DE-1 Owner’s Manual
DELAY 1 (Normal Mono Delay) (d) Conventional mono delay with appropriate feedback level and high ratio.
DELAY 2 (Long Feedback Mono Delay) (d) Mono delay with long feedback level.
DELAY 3 (Single Mono Delay) (d) Mono delay with no feedback.
DELAY 4 (Normal Panning Delay) (a) Panning delay which alternates the sound between left and right. An appropriate
feedback level and high ratio.
DELAY 5 (Long Feedback Panning Delay) (a) Panning delay with long feedback level.
DELAY 6 (Single Panning Delay) (a) Panning delay with no feedback.
DELAY 7 (L-R Delay) (a) L-R delay where the delayed sound is spread to the left and right without being
positioned in the center. An appropriate feedback level and high ratio.
DELAY 8 (Long Feedback L-R Delay) (a) L-R delay with long feedback level.
DELAY 9 (Single L-R Delay 1) (a) L-R delay without feedback.
DELAY 10 (BBD Delay) (d) Simulates an analog BBD delay.
DELAY 11 (Single L-R Delay 2) (a) L-R delay with short delay time and no feedback. Effective when you want to
subtly broaden a pad-type sound.
* ADJUST knob: Delay Time (adjust the delay time)
MISC (Miscellaneous)
MISC 1 (Random E/R) (a) Random early reflections. When applied to instruments with a slow attack, this produces
a natural feeling of air and space.
MISC 2 (Soft Random E/R) (a) Random early reflections. Less high range than MISC 1, so suitable for backing tracks.
MISC 3 (Hi-Freq Random E/R) (a) Random early reflections with only high-frequency components.
MISC 4 (Rich Random E/R) (a) Miraculous ambience that could not exist in the real world, with early reflections that
continue without being covered by reverberant components.
MISC 5 (Hi-Density Random E/R) (a) Random early reflections at close spacing appear all at once. Effective for giving natural
spaciousness to pad-type sounds.
MISC 6 (Large Hall E/R) (a) Early reflections of a large hall.
MISC 7 (Wet Large Hall E/R) (a) Early reflections of a large hall. Gentler sound than MISC 4.
MISC 8 (Small Hall E/R) (a) Early reflections of a small hall.
MISC 9 (Wet Small Hall E/R) (a) Early reflections of a small hall. Gentler sound than MISC 6.
MISC 10 (Reverse E/R) (a) Early reflections of reverse reverb. Effective on vocal or brass section.
MISC 11 (Gate E/R) (a) Gated early reflection with a crisp cutoff.
* ADJUST knob: Room Size (adjust the size of the room)
CHORUS 1 (Normal Chorus) (a) Conventional chorus with fairly shallow depth, suitable for any sound. Adds a
natural spaciousness and depth without changing the character of the original
CHORUS 2 (Deep Chorus) (a) Chorus with greater depth. Suitable when you want to aggressively modify the
sound of an electric piano, etc.
CHORUS 3 (Dub Chorus) (a) Conventional chorus, plus a doubling effect created by a short delay.
CHORUS 4 (Mono Chorus) (a) Light chorus panned to center. Adds natural depth and warmth to vocals or sax,
CHORUS 5 (Mono Dub Chorus) (d) The effect of CHORUS 4 plus a doubling effect created by a short delay
CHORUS 6 (Mono Deep Chorus) (d) Deep chorus panned to center. Effective for adding body to a center-panned
instrument such as bass.
CHORUS 7 (Mono Deep Dub Chorus) (d) The effect of CHORUS 6 plus a doubling effect created by a short delay.
CHORUS 8 (Hi-Freq Chorus) (a) Chorus applied only to the high-frequency range.
CHORUS 9 (Lo-Freq Chorus) (a) Chorus applied only to the low-frequency range.
CHORUS 10 (Pitch Chorus) (a) Pitch chorus that adds depth to the sound by slightly shifting the pitch.
CHORUS 11 (Mono Pitch Chorus) (d) Pitch chorus panned to the center.
* ADJUST knob: Depth (adjust the depth of the chorus)