Advanced Verb


Conjugations show inflections, or changes in a word’s gender, tense, etc. This dictionary includes extensive inflections of nouns, verb, modifiers and other words.

From the Icon Menu

1.For example, press MENÜ, use the

arrow keys to highlight (German Conjugation) and then press EINGABE.

To choose English conjugation, press

. You can also press BEUG and then E/D to choose the language.

2.Type a word (e.g., denken).

3.Press BEUG.

If needed, highlight the part of speech or translation you want and press EINGABE. These are the principal forms of the German verb “denken”. The English trans- lations are below each German inflection.

4. Press


to scroll.

Press to display the root word.

5.Press either BEUG or hold FN and

press repeatedly to view more inflections.

If the word is a noun, an adjective, or another modifier, then there won’t be any other inflections.

6.Press CLEAR when done.

Advanced Verb Conjugations

From a Dictionary Entry

Some words have different parts of speech or multiple translations. You can easily find which part of speech or specific translation you will need to conjugate by first looking up the word and then pressing BEUG. Follow this example.

1.Press MENÜ, use the arrow keys

to highlight and then press


To choose English, press . You can also press BEUG and then E/D to choose the language.

2.Type a word (e.g., reden).

3.Choose a form, if needed. In this case, choose reden. Capitalized words are usually nouns.

4.Press EINGABE to look it up.

Read the definition to find the verb you want (e.g., to speak).