Playing the Games |
| Playing the Games |
gender of German nouns. Press m for masculine, f for feminine, and n for neuter. To see the translation of the game word, press EINGABE. Press to return to the game.
Word Train™
In Word Train, you and the train take
turns typing letters to form a word.
Whoever types the last letter of the
word wins. To view the letters you can
type at your turn, hold and press
. Press
to end a round and reveal the word. To see the translation
of the game word, press EINGABE.
Press to return to the game.
Guess the Word
In Guess the Word, you must type the missing letters in the mystery word. To read the definition of the mystery word, press , if needed. Press
, if needed, to select a missing let-
ter and then type the letter that you think belongs there. Continue typing letters until the word is complete or no
more tries are left. Or press to give up and reveal the word. To see the translation of the game word,
press EINGABE. Press to return
to the game. Press to play a new round.
Word Auction™
In Word Auction, you try to bid on all the letters of a mystery word, before your cash runs out. The amount of each bid depends on the frequency of the letter. All bids will cost you whether correct or incorrect. If you guess the word by revealing all of the letters, your remaining cash is added to the next round. To see the translation of the game word, press EINGABE.
Press to return to the game.
Word Blaster™
In Word Blaster you try to guess the mystery word before all its letters