Finding Movies by Cast
The Cast Members menu lets you find movies by the stars that played in them.
1.Press CAST (red).
Or select Cast Members from the Search menu.
2.Begin typing a cast member’s name (e.g., Marvin, Lee).
Cast members’ names should be typed as they appear, with the last name first.
3.Press ENTER when the name is highlighted.
If you check more than one cast member, the search includes mov- ies featuring all of the cast mem- bers. To deselect a cast member, press ENTER again.
4.Repeat Steps 2 and 3 to select more cast members.
5.Press to view the films featuring that cast member you selected.
Finding Movies by Cast
6.Press ENTER to select a movie.
7.To return to the Cast Mem- bers menu, press CAST .
8.Press CLEAR when done.
➤Selecting More than One Cast Member
MovieViews can search for movies that feature several cast members. From the Search menu, select a cast member and then press ENTER .
Scroll down or type in name and
then press to view matches. Press ENTER again to view other cast members. Scroll down and press ENTER again to view other movies of that cast member.
Press ENTER again and then scroll to the cast member you want.