Welcome to the 2006 edition of the Pocket Prep™ for the SAT* • ACT†. The
•read preparation materials including strategies for taking the SAT and ACT, information about the design of the exams, and tutorials focused on verbal, math, and vocabulary skills;
•bookmark sections or words to review later;
•practice with three complete SAT tests and two complete ACT tests that can be timed and scored;
•time your practice tests by counting up or down with the clock;
•use the calculator to help solve math problems.
•review answers and explanations;
•diagnose and compare your performance with reports that you can format;
•look up comprehensive definitions of words in the preparation material, most of which contain parts of speech and usage examples;
•see a word’s synonyms, antonyms, and other related words using the
*SAT is a trademark of The College Entrance Examination Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.
† ACT is a trademark of ACT, Inc. which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.