✘Grammar Quizzes
To take a grammar quiz, follow these steps.
1.From the Grammar Quizzes menu, press the down arrow to highlight the quiz you want and press ENTER.
Note: You can also access grammar quizzes from the Grammar Guide menu.
2.Read the directions on the screen before you begin.
3.Press the down or right arrows to scroll through the text, if necessary.
4.At the end of the directions, press the right arrow to go to the first question.
5.Press the left and right arrows to highlight your answer and press A see if your choice is correct.
6.Use the arrow keys to highlight “<Prev” or “Next>” at the bottom of the screen and then press ENTER to go to the previous or next question.
If you are at the last question, the next Grammar Guide quiz is displayed.
7.At any time, press to return to the Grammar Quizzes menu.
Note: If you entered through the Grammar Guide,
press to return to the menu to select another topic or quiz.