Trouble shooting - General problems
Chapter 4: Trouble shooting - General problems
If you still have problems getting your Freecom drive to function properly despite having installed it correctly, then please check the following items:
Hardware requirements:
•Does your system meets the hardware requirements (see page 4)?
Connecting the Freecom device:
•Is the cable connected correctly to your computer and the Freecom device? Check whether cable is plugged in correctly. The cable must firmly in place!
•Does the device have a power supply? Determine if the media can be ejected and if the device is getting power when the system boots.
Recording speed:
•The DVD RW Recorder is USB 2.0 compliant. While USB 2.0 supports recording speeds higher than 4x, if this drive is connected to a USB 1.1 port the maximum CD recording speed is 4x.