Before You Call For Service…
“SENSOR ERROR” appears in the display?
When using a Sensor feature, the door was opened before steam could be detected. Do not open door until steam is sensed and time is shown counting down on display.
Steam was not detected in maximum amount of time. Use Cook Time to heat for more time.
You hear an unusual, low- tone beep?
You have tried to start the Reminder without a valid time of day. Start over and enter a valid time of day.
You have tried to start the Auto Nite Light without a valid time of day entered for the on- time and
You have tried to turn the turntable on when the probe is in use. The turntable will not operate when the probe is in use.
You have tried to change the power level when it is not allowed. Many of the oven’s features are preset and cannot be changed.
Things That Are Normal
•Steam or vapor escaping from around the door.
•Light reflection around door or outer case.
•Dimming oven light and change in the blower sound at power levels other than high.
•Dull thumping sound while oven is operating.