A. If the pump runs normally after




resetting the thermal overload switch,


A. Thermal overload switch has tripped

the pump was overheated.



on an overheated motor.

Always filter with the cooking






Test: If the pump stopped suddenly

oil/shortening at or near frying



during the filtering process,




especially if after several filtering




cycles, the pump motor has probably

Allow the pump motor to cool off for



overheated. Place the filter handle in



about ten minutes after filtering two



the OFF position, allow the pump to



full frypots one after the other.



cool for at least 45 minutes, and then






press the reset button on the pump

Check the filter paper between



motor. Attempt to activate the pump.



filterings. Replace the paper if there




is a large accumulation of sediment.





B. Failed filter-handle microswitch.


Pump won’t start.


Test: If this is a multi-pot fryer,




attempt to operate the pump using a

B. If the switch is loose, tighten the nuts


different handle. If the pump starts,



the handle microswitch is either out

and bolts holding it in place, ensuring

Pump stops during


that when the handle is placed in the


of alignment or has failed.




ON position, the lever on the



When the handle is placed in the ON

microswitch is pressed firmly against



the switch.



position, the lever on the microswitch






should be firmly pressed against the

If the switch has failed, call FASC.



switch. If so, the switch has failed. If






not, the switch is loose and/or












Pump blockage.

C. Pump blockages are usually caused






Test: Close the drain valve. Place

by sediment build-up in the pump



the filter handle in the OFF position,

due to improperly sized or installed



allow the pump to cool for at least 45

filter paper and failure to use the



minutes, and then press the reset

crumb screen. Call FASC to have



button on the pump motor. Pull the

blockage cleared.



filter pan from the unit and then

Ensure that filter paper is of the



activate the pump. If the pump motor



hums and then stops, the pump is

proper size and is installed properly,




and that the crumb screen is used.






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Image 26
Frymaster BIH14, MH14 warranty Always filter with the cooking