Canadian DOC Regulations

This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limit for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.

Le pésent appareil numérique n’ément pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la classe A prescridtes dans le Réglesment sur le brouillage radioélectrique dicté par le ministere des Communications du Canada.

Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conformme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.

Bescheinigung des Herstellers / Importeurs

Hiermit wird bescheinigt, daß der/die/das


In Übereinsstimmung mit den Bestimmungen der AmtsblVfg 243/1991 funkentstört ist.

Der Deutschen Bundesport wurde das Inverkehrbringen dieses Gerätes angezeigt und die Berechtigung zur Überprüfung der Serie auf Einhaltung der Bestimmungen eingeräumt.

Maschinenlärminformationsverordnung 3. GS GV, 18.01.1991:Der höchste Schalldruckpegel beträgt 70 dB (A) order weniger gemäß ISO/7779.

International ENERGY STAR® Program

As an ENERGY STAR® Partner, PFU LIMITED has determined that this product meets the ENERGY STAR® guidelines for energy efficiency.

The International ENERGY STAR® Office Equipment Program is an international program that promotes energy saving through the penetration

of energy efficient computers and other office equipment. The program backs the development and dissemination of products with functions that effectively reduce energy consumption. It is an open system in which business proprietors can participate voluntarily. The targeted products are office equipment such as computers, monitors, printers,

facsimiles, copiers, scanners, and multifunction devices. Their standards and logos ( ) are uniform among participating nations.

This product meet the ENERGY STAR® guidelines of Japan and U.S.
