"More" tab
Opens [More Settings] window. Used for setting advanced features.
Use Advanced DTC
This option scans any kind of documents by binary processing to produce data with good scanning quality. Documents containing thin letters, characters with the colored background, and colored charts cannot be scanned sufficiently clearly by ordinary binary processing. By using this option, however, you can achieve good scanning qual- ity.
Specifies the overscan function, which makes the scanned images larger than the original documents by adding margins.
Color Dropout
Excludes selected color (the three primary colors of light i.e. green, red, blue) from scanned images. For example, if the document contains black text in a red frame and when the red color is selected, the scanner reads only the text and eliminates (drops out) the red frame.
If you do not wish to have any colors dropped out select "None".
Colors of scanned images are reversed.
[Setup IPC...] button
You can configure settings for scanning with Image Processing Software Option.