4.2Deleting data from the [Inbox] / [Exported] tab

4.2Deleting data from the [Inbox] / [Exported] tab

To delete unnecessary business card data from the [Inbox] or [Exported] tab, follow the following procedures. The deleted data will be sent to the [Trash] tab.

1.Open CardMinder and select the [Inbox] or [Exported] tab.

2.Select the data you want to delete.

You can make multiple selection by clicking the data while holding down the [Shift] or [Ctrl] key.

Select the data in this list.

3. Select [Edit] on the menu bar -> [Delete].


Handling Data Card Business


You can also delete entries by:

Pressing the [Delete] key on the keyboard,

Drag&Drop the data to the [Trash] tab,

Right-click on the selected data and select [Delete].

The selected data is sent from the [Inbox] tab or the [Exported] tab to the [Trash] tab. If you want to restore the data from the [Trash] tab, see Section 4.3 for further details.

CardMinder User’s Guide