No | Phenomena | Recommendation |
7 | Characters on the | ⇒ Verify the following: |
| scanned business | • Aren’t many handwritten characters on the card? |
| card is not text- | If there are many handwritten characters on the card, the card |
| |||
| recognized | is prone to incorrect recognition. Recognize each item sepa- |
| 8 |
| correctly. | rately using the [Recognition] button after selecting the incor- |
| |
| rectly scanned part. Otherwise, correct the characters by |
| |
| directly typing in with the keyboard. |
| • Aren’t the background or the patterns overlapped? |
| Troubleshooting |
| If the background or patterns overlap with the name or the |
| |
| |
| address on the business card, the card is prone to incorrect rec- |
| ognition. Recognize each item separately using the [Recogni- |
| tion] button after selecting the incorrectly scanned part. |
| Otherwise, correct the characters by directly typing in with the |
| keyboard. |
CardMinder User’s Guide |
| 74 |