♦Scan Type
Selects the feeding device.
The image scanner uses a document bed called the flat bed as well as an automatic document feeder (ADF) for feeding scanned document. The ADF usually enables the documents to be scanned only once. The flat bed allows scanning the same documents repeatedly.
Flat bedScans a document placed on the flat bed of the device.
ADF (Front Side)Scans the documents on the device's automatic document feeder (ADF). Here, only the front sides are scanned.
ADF (Duplex)To scan both the front and the back of a page, select this option.
If this option is selected, the documents are scanned in the "front to back to front to back ..." order.
This option can be used only for scanner models that support duplex scanning.
The "Duplex Function" requires that the calling application supports "continuous scan." If the application does not support "continuous scan," only the data for the front side of the page is passed to the application.
Some scanner models do not support this option. See "Relevant Image Scanner Specification" in the Appendix.
Long page (Front Side)Scans a document longer than the paper size which can be specified by [Paper Size]. In this case, only the front sides of documents are scanned.
When this option is selected, the "Paper Size Setting" dialog box opens. Specify the size of the document to be scanned.
*While the "Long page" is specified, the preview window cannot be displayed and the scanning area cannot be specified.
*In case of some scanner models, while the "Long page" is specified, color and grayscale settings can not be selected in [Image mode].
(Refer to “Relevant Image Scanner Specification” in the Appendix.)
*Depending on the scanner, [Resolution] setting should be set to less than 400 dpi.
*The "Long page" is not displayed in the [Scan Type] dropdown list if not supported by the device. See "Relevant Image Scanner Specification" in the Appendix.
Long page (Duplex)Scans a document longer than the paper size which can be specified by [Paper Size].
If this option is selected, the documents are scanned in the "front to back to front to back…" order.