lNon-durable components
Depending on the environ ment and period of usage there
will be non-durable compone nts that require replaceme nt
within the warra nty period. Customers who have signe d up
to hardware maintenan ce contract will be provided wit h re-
placement parts fre e of charge and will have higher priorit y
for replacement.
Customers not signed up to hard ware maintenance contra ct
will be charged for operation co st (including the mainte-
nance parts) separat ely.
- Service life of non-durable components
The service life of non-du rable components is decided
based on the presumption t hat the server is used in a n ap-
propriate environme nt.
The temperature of t he operating environ ment is between
10°C and 35°C. However the service life is calculated u s-
ing 25°C as the average temperat ure so air conditioning
should be used.
- Non-durable component
Item Description
Battery for RAI D Ctrl 2-Channel 128MB w/BBURegardless of how long power has b een turned on or off, non-durable com ponents will be re placed after 3 years but the t here will be an effec t on the life span of the batter y. For details, refer to "Use r Guide" for RAID Ctrl 2 -Channel 128MB w/ BBU.11 Recycle
When disposing of this ser ver, contact an ofce listed in
the "Contact Informat ion".
This server must be disp osed of as industrial waste.
Contact Information
Fujitsu Australia Lim ited
Tel: +61-2-9776-4555
Fax: +61-2-9776-4556
Address: 2 Julius Avenue (Cn r Delhi Road)
North Ryde, Australi a N.S.W. 2113
Fujitsu (China) Holdings C o., Ltd.
Tel: +86-21-5292-9889
Fax: +86-21-5292-9566
Address: 18F, Citic Square, 1168 West Nanjing Road Shanghai, China
lHong Kong:
Fujitsu Hong Kong Limited
Tel: +852-2827-5780
Fax: +852-2827-4724
Address: 10/F., Lincoln Hous e, 979 King's Road
Taikoo Place, Island East, Ho ng Kong
PT. Fujitsu Systems Indonesi a Ofces Headqu arters
Tel: +62-21-570-9330 (Hunting)
Fax: +62-21-573-5150
Address: Wisma Kyoei Pri nce 10th Floor Jl. Jend . Sudirman Kav 3 -4
Jakarta, Indo nesia 10220
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Tel: +82-2-3787-6000
Fax: +82-2-3787-6066
Address: Susong Tower Buildi ng, 83-1 Susong-Dong
Jongno-Gu, Seoul , Republic of Korea 110-140
Fujitsu (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd .
Tel: +60-3-8318-3700
Fax: +60-3-8318-8700
Address: 1st Floor, No.3505 Jalan Techn okrat 5
63000 Cyberjaya, Sela ngor Darul Ehs an Malaysia
Fujitsu Philippines, I nc.
Tel: +63-2-812-4001
Fax: +63-2-817-7576
Address: 2nd Floor, Unite d Life Building, A. A rnaiz
Legaspi Village, Mak ati, Metro Mani la Philippines
Fujitsu Asia Pte. Ltd.
Tel: +65-6777-6577
Fax: +65-6771-5502
Address: 20, Science Pa rk Road, #03-01 TeleTech Park,
Singapore Science Park I I, Singapore 117674
Fujitsu Taiwan Limited
Tel: +886-2-2311-2255
Fax: +886-2-2311-2277
Address: 19F, No.39, Section 1, Chung hwa Road Taipe i, Taiwan
Fujitsu Systems Busine ss (Thailand) Lt d.
Tel: +66-2-500-1500
Fax: +66-2-500-1555
Address: 12th Floor, Olymp ia Thai Tower, 444 Rachad apisek Road
Samsennok, Huayk wang, Bangkok, T hailand 10310
Fujitsu Vietnam Limit ed
Tel: +84-4-831-3895
Fax: +84-4-831-3898
Address: Unit 802-8th o or, Fortuna Tower Hanoi 6B L ang ha Street,
Ba dinh District , Hanoi Socialist R epublic of Vietnam
lUnited States:
Fujitsu Computer System s Corporatio n
Tel: +1-800-831-3183
Fax: +1-408-496-0575
Address: 1250 East Arqu es Avenue, Sunnyvale , CA USA 94088-3470
For the latest information, refer to the Fujitsu PRIMERGY website (http://primergy.fujitsu.com).