1Insert the ServerStart oppy disk
supplied with this server, and click
A network setup window for remote in stallation
2Click [OK].
3Click [Build a ServerStart Floppy Disk].
The completion message appear s.
4Click [OK].
"Please Select your keyboard" window appear s.
5Select your keyboard language from
the drop-down list and click [OK] .
The subsequent start p rocedure may take several
minutes. The [Welcome to ServerSta rt] window ap-
6Click [Click here to prepare and/or initi-
ate an operating system installation].
The [Select the operating syst em to be installed]
window appears.
Click [Special Hints on Operat ing System Installa-
tion] and read the contents.
7Click[MS Windows Operating Sys-
8Click the OS to install.
9Click[Prepare & initiate an unattended
installation of (OS)].
The guided mode for the selected OS st arts up.
Click [Start here to create a complete
conguration le].
The [Open ServerStar t Conguration File] window
Select the conguration le and click
The wizard star ts up automatically.
Set the server information.
Click the wizard sequential ly,
and enter the server infor mation.
Clicking [help] under the wiz ard window displays
explanations of items and setti ng hints.
1. RAID wizard
Congure RAI D.
2. Disk wizard
Create and format hard disk pa rtitions.
3. (OS) Install wizard
Set the computer information, u ser infor-
mation, network protocol, etc.
4. Application wizard
It is recommended to install t he applica-
tion selected as default.
Click [Close and save Conguration
Click [Save] and save the conguration le.
Click[Click here, to Start the Installation
of (OS)].
The license window appear s.
Follow the window instruction s.
Incorrect settings will cause err ors to be dis-
Enter correct values manually to continue the
When a message indicating installation
completion appears press any key.
Restart the system.
Click [Start] - [Shutdown]. Select [Resta rt] and
click [OK].
When the system restarts, log on to
the server using the Administrators
account for the local computer.
7Installing the OS
This section explains the procedures to install the OS using ServerStart.
For details about os installation procedures when not using ServerStart, refer to the "User 's Guide".
"Chapter 4 Manual OS In stallation"