Data Backup
To protect data stored in t his device (includ ing basic softwa re and applicat ion software), pe rform backup a nd other necessa ry operatio ns. Note that dat a protection is
not guaranteed wh en repairs ar e performed. It is t he customer's re sponsibility t o maintain ba ckup copies in adv ance.
In case of data loss, Fujit su assumes no lia bility for data ma intenance or re storation and d amages that occ ur as a result of the d ata loss for any reas on, except for items
covered under warr anty.
High Safety
The Products are de signed, developed a nd manufact ured as contempl ated or general u se, including wit hout limitatio n, general ofce u se, personal us e, household use,
and ordinary in dustrial use , but are not designe d, developed and ma nufactured a s contemplated for u se accompanyi ng fatal risks o r dangers that, u nless extrem ely high
safety is secured , could lead dire ctly to death, pe rsonal injur y, severe physical damag e, or other loss (her einafter "H igh Safety Requi red Use"), includi ng without limi-
tation, nuclear reac tion control in nucl ear facility, ai rcraft ight co ntrol, air tra fc control, mas s transpor t control, medica l life support sy stem, missile la unch control
in weapon system. You shall not u se this Product w ithout secur ing the sufcien t safety requi red for the High Safet y Required Use. I f you wish to use this P roduct for
High Safety Requir ed Use, please consu lt with our sales re presentative s in charge before su ch use.
Problems may occur wit h this device in t he event of an instan taneous voltage d rop of the power supply du e to lightning , etc. To prevent an insta ntaneous voltage d rop
of the power supply, we recommen d that you use an uni nterrupt ible power supply syste m.
Software License Ag reement
Please read the following t erms and cond itions before you use t he software pre installed in t he server you purc hased or the soft ware attache d to the server ( her einafter
collectively "Softwa re"). By using the Sof tware, you are ag reeing to be bou nd by all of the following t erms and cond itions. Notwith standing the f oregoing, if any soft-
ware subject to any othe r terms and cond itions than tho se of this agreem ent is preinsta lled in or attac hed to the server a s a part of Softwa re, you shall comply wi th such
other terms and con ditions.
I. License and Copyrig hts
Fujitsu Limited (here inafter "Fujit su") grants you a lim ited, non-exclu sive, license to:
(i) use the Software solel y on the server, which t he Software is pr einstalled i n or is attached t o.;
(ii) copy the Software fo r installatio n and backup pur pose; and
(iii) embed the Softwa re to other soft ware, in whole or in pa rt, in accord ance with the pro cedure descr ibed in the appl icable document ation.
For the avoidance of doubt, you ar e only granted t he right to use thi s Software and a ll copyright, t itle and other owne rship rights t o this Softwar e and any derivati ve
works thereof is retai ned by FUJITSU an d/or its supplier s.
II. Copies
1. You may only copy the Software as se t forth in Clause I (i i) and (iii) above. If you emb ed the Softwar e in another soft ware pursua nt to Clause I (iii), you m ay not
make copies of such softw are as so embedde d other than one (1) backup c opy unless expre ssly otherwis e licensed by Fujitsu . If, however, a copy protec tion mechanism
is implemented in the Sof tware, you can not and are prohib ited from maki ng any copies of the Sof tware.
2. You shall include all copyr ight notices and pr oprietary l egends on all copies of t he Software an d shall not modify, dele te or conceal such no tices and legends .
3. All terms and cond itions contain ed herein shall ap ply to the copies of the Sof tware.
III. Assignment
You may not assign the Softwar e, except the case whe re you assign the Soft ware with all ma terials relat ed to the Softwar e, including the m edia of the Softwa re attached
to the server, the docu mentation, an d the backup copy, toget her with the ser ver. Notwithsta nding the foregoi ng, you may not rent, leas e, sublicense, cr eate lien again st
the Software.
IV. Modication
You may not modify or, except to the ext ent expressly per mitted by appl icable law, reverse engin eer (including, w ithout limita tion, decompile a nd disassemble) th e
Software, and you may not p ermit any thi rd party to do so.
V. Limited Warranty
1. You acknowledge that Fujitsu cann ot guarante e that your use of the Sof tware will b e uninterr upted, that t he Software wil l be error fre e or that all Softwa re errors
will be correcte d. However, (i) within ni nety (90) days followi ng your acquisit ion of the server you not ify the reselle r from whom you have acqu ired the serve r of non-
conformance of the Sof tware to the de scription in th e documentat ion, or (ii) within on e (1) month following your acqu isition of the serve r you notify the res eller from
which you have acquired t he server of physical de fects of the media co ntaining the Sof tware, Fujitsu w ill, at its sole disc retion, corr ect the non-con formance or prov ide
you with informatio n necessary t o correct the non -conforman ce, or replace the de fective media wit h new media. Only if yo u inform such res eller of your problem wit h
the Software dur ing the above mentio ned warrant y period and provi de satisfactor y evidence of the dat e you acquired th e server Fujitsu wi ll be obligated to hon or this
2. Except for Clause V Sect ion 1, Fujitsu disclaims a ll other warr anty, express or impl ied, and expressl y disclaims any im plied, includi ng without limit ation, allwar-
ranty of merchanta bility, tness for a pa rticular pu rpose or non-in fringement of t hird part ies' rights. In no eve nt will Fujitsu be lia ble for any direct, i ndirect, in cidental
or consequential da mages (includi ng, but not limited t o, loss of prots, inte rruption of bu siness, loss of busi ness informa tion, and other pe cuniary d amages) resulti ng
from or arising out of th e use or inabilit y to use the Softw are even if Fujitsu has b een advised of the p ossibility of such d amages.
3. Even if a part of the Softwa re has been develope d by a third par ty, the warrant y and remedy for such p art of the Soft ware are limit ed to those provided f or in Clause
V Section1 and 2 above, and suc h third part y shall have no liabil ity for any claim ar ising out of the use, p erformance o r non-conform ance of the Softwa re.
VI . Law
This Agreement an d all matters a rising out of or relat ing to this Agre ement will be gover ned by the laws of Japan w ithout giving eff ect to any choice of law ru le.
VII. High Safety
These Software ar e designed, develop ed and manufac tured as conte mplated for gener al use, including w ithout limita tion, general of ce use, persona l use, household
use, and ordinar y industria l use, but are not desig ned, developed an d manufactu red as contemplat ed for use accompa nying fatal ris ks or dangers th at, unless ext remely
high safety is secur ed, could lead di rectly to death , personal inju ry, severe physical da mage, or other loss ( hereinafte r "High Safety Req uired Use"), inclu ding without
limitation, nuclea r reaction cont rol in nuclear faci lity, aircraft  ight control, ai r trafc contr ol, mass trans port control, m edical life supp ort system, mi ssile launch con-
trol in weapon system. You shal l not use this Soft ware without sec uring the suf cient safety re quired for the Hig h Safety Requi red Use.
VII Export
You shall comply fully with al l relevant export l aws and regulatio ns with respec t to this Softwa re, including, but n ot limited to, the e xport laws and reg ulations of Ja-
pan. Without limiti ng the generalit y of the foregoing, You will not e xport or tran sfer this Softwa re, or any product t hereof (includi ng any your applicat ion program), to
any destinations p rohibited by any such l aws and regulat ions.
IV. Entire Agreement
The terms and cond itions hereof rep resent the complet e agreement con cerning th is license betwe en the partie s and supersede a ll prior or contem poraneous wr itten
communications b etween them. I n the event that any add itional term s or conditions ar e provided in the ac companied docu mentation, you mu st also comply with s uch
terms and conditi ons.
Fujitsu Limited

Microsoft, Windows, Wi ndows Server are reg istered trad emarks of the Micro soft Corporat ion in the USA and other cou ntries.

Linux is a tradema rk or registered t rademark of Linus Torva lds in the USA and other c ountries.

Adobe, Adobe Acrobat, Acrob at Reader are regist ered tradema rks of Adobe Systems I ncorporated .

All other hardware a nd software nam es used are trad emarks or regist ered tradema rks of their resp ective manufact urers.

Other product name s are copyrights of t heir respecti ve manufactur ers.

All Rights Reserve d, Copyright© F UJITSU LIMITE D 2005

Screen shot(s) repri nted with perm ission from Micros oft Corporatio n.