Using the ScanSnap in Various Ways (for Windows Users)
■ Scanning Color Documents in High Compression
The ScanSnap can save image data of color documents in high compression mode. You can
scan large quantities of color documents in high compression mode and save them as a
compact PDF file.
To scan color documents in high compression mode, perform the following steps to change
the setting.
1. Select [Scan Button Settings] from the Right-Click Menu.
For details about the Right-Click Menu, refer to "Right-Click Menu" (page 71).
DThe ScanSnap setup dialog box appears.
2. In the [Color mode] drop-down list in the [Scanning] tab, select [Color
high compression].
3. Click the [OK] button to close the ScanSnap setup dialog box.
In [Color high compression] mode, different compression rates are applied to characters and backgrounds.
Therefore, the file size of a document with mostly text characters is reduced, while the quality of the
characters is kept high.
However, high compression is applied to photographs and figures since they are regarded as
backgrounds, resulting in deteriorated image data. For this reason, this mode is not appropriate for
scanning photographs, images and such.