Fujitsu Computers Ltd. Service Planning Guide
| Issue 3.0 | 25 August 1999 |
available from Mika Komppa (see contact details below).
Authorised Service Partners are required to participate in the regular FUJITSU COMPUTERS technical training sessions (which is a conditional part of Authorisation) for second line specialists. Authorised Service Partners are expected to organise the training of first line engineers internally within their operation.
Only engineers who have been trained on FUJITSU LifeBooks, are authorised to perform Warranty Services on FUJITSU LifeBook products.
Contact International Technical Training, Mika Komppa, concerning availability and schedules for training events and PC Multimedia CDs relating to FUJITSU Personal Computers.
Email: | Internal: KOMPPA MIKA (mail server FIN1701) |
| Internet: mika.komppa@fujitsu.fi |
Phone: | Internal: 7676 6625 |
| External: |
| Fax: |
2.6 LifeBook Warranty Term’s and Conditions, Warranty Repair Service
FUJITSU LifeBook end user Warranty Terms and Conditions are included in each LifeBook product. Warranty Service instructions for Authorised Service Partners, Help Desk Providers and Regional Repair Centres are detailed in the 'Fujitsu
Computers Warranty Service Manual for LifeBook products.'
LifeBook standard Warranty Service will be undertaken only at the Regional Fujitsu LifeBook Repair Centres.
In case of a hardware problem during Warranty period Fujitsu LifeBook end users are advised to contact the Fujitsu LifeBook Help Desk (Local or International) for assistance. End users may also contact Authorised Service Partners. In case of an end user LifeBook Warranty call, Authorised Service Partners should advise the end user to contact the local Fujitsu LifeBook Help Desk for assistance and advice.
Authorised Service Partners are allowed to provide following services for Lifebook products:
·Non warranty and after warranty repairs
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