The default hue setting (DAY) displays echoes in tones of gray on a white background, which is most suitable for daytime viewing. For nighttime viewing you may reverse this arrangement.
1.Press the [MENU/ESC] key to open the User menu.
2.Press ▼ to choose SYSTEM MENU.
3.Press ▲ or ▼ to choose HUE from page 1.
4.Press ► to open the options window.
5.Press ▲ or ▼ to choose DAY or NIGHT as appropriate.
6.Press the [MENU/ESC] key twice to close the menu.
1.25 Resetting Distance Run
You may reset distance run to zero as below. You need a navigator or speed log to display distance run.
1.Press the [MENU/ESC] key to open the User menu.
2.Press ▼ to choose SYSTEM MENU.
3.Press ▲ or ▼ to choose “TRIPLOG RESET?” from page 1.
4.Press ► to open the options window.
5.Press ▲ to choose YES to reset distance run to zero.
6.Press the [MENU/ESC] key twice to close the menu.
1.26 PROG Key
The [PROG] key acts as a shortcut key. You may use any User menu item except items on the “SYSTEM MENU.” The default setting is
Using the PROG key
1.Press the [PROG] key. The options window corresponding to the item programmed appears. In the example at the top on this page the echo stretch options window is shown.
Echo stretch options window
2.Press ▲, ▼ or the [PROG] key to choose appropriate option.
3.Press the [MENU/ESC] key to close the options window.
Programming the PROG key
1.Press the [MENU/ESC] key to open the User menu. The “P” mark indicates the current function of the [PROG] key.
| ||
| |
| |||
| FTC | : OFF |
| |
| ||
| (1/2) | ||
| [MENU/ESC] : Exit. | |||
User menu, page 1
2.Press ▲ or ▼ to choose the item you wish to use.
3.Press and hold down the [PROG] key (about three seconds) until you hear a beep and the “P” moves to the item selected.
4.Press the [MENU/ESC] key to close the menu.
1.27Outputting Target Position to a Plotter
If the radar is interfaced with a plotter, you can output a radar target’s latitude and longitude position to the plotter, and show that position on the plotter’s screen, with the target mark ( X ). This function requires position and heading data.
1.Use the cursor pad to place the cursor on a target.
2.Press the [TLL] key to output the target’s L/L position. “Output TLL” appears at the bottom of the screen.