Unit Operation

The Adjustment Bar

Current Setting

Adjustment List


Using the Adjustment Bar

The Adjustment Bar allows direct access to the settings most commonly changed while using the unit. These include the depth Range, Zoom setting, and the Gain (sensitivity) of the unit.

Place the highlight (white bar) over the desired selection using the RIGHT or LEFT Arrow key and the current setting will be displayed in the highlight. To immediately change the setting, press the UP or DOWN Arrow key. If you wish to review the available settings before making a change, press the ENTER key to activate the adjustment list.


The Range Adjustment is used to set the display depth range. The unit can be set to automatically track the bottom or set to a user-specified range.

To select a Range:

1.Highlight ‘Range’ on the Adjustment Bar.

2.Using the UP or DOWN Arrow, place the pointer at the desired range.

Setting the unit to automatically track the bottom:

1.Highlight ‘Range’ on the Adjustment Bar.

2.Using the UP or DOWN Arrow, select Auto’ at the top of the adjust- ment list