Installation Instructions

6REHANGING THE DOORS6.1Rehang the fresh food door

6.1.1Lower the fresh food door onto the bottom hinge pin. Be sure the washer is in place on the pin.
















Models with a hinge bracket

Models with a hinge bracket

that has 2 screw holes.


that has 4 screw holes.

6.1.2Insert the pin on the center hinge into the socket in the top of the door. Place the spacer, then the washer, on the hinge pin.

NOTE: The center hinge must be turned over as shown when mounted on the left side.

Hinge Pin

Plastic Washer

and Spacer

6.1.3Tilt the door toward the cabinet. As the door is brought into position, slide the hinge under the head of the screw which earlier had been partly driven into the outermost hole. Insert the remaining screw, then tighten both screws securely.

6REHANGING THE DOORS (CONT.)6.2Rehang the freezer door

6.2.1Lower the freezer door onto the center hinge pin. Be sure the washer and spacer are in place on the pin.

Center Hinge Pin

Plastic Washer

and Spacer

6.2.2Tilt the door toward the cabinet, lifting the top hinge so the pin fits into the socket on the top of the door.

6.2.3.Make sure the door is slightly above the top of the cabinet and the gap between the doors is even across the front. Tighten the top hinge screws. Do not overtighten these screws–tighten them until they are just snug, then turn them another one-half turn.