Pipeline Standard Units/Packages
The gas turbines manufactured by GE Energy have features that make them particularly suitable for pipeline compressor applications; GE Energy’s pipeline centrifugal compressor line complements its gas turbine line to optimize matching with the gas turbine driver resulting in perfectly integrated gas turbine compressor units.
Specific pipeline service requirements, flexibility in meeting varying operating conditions, reliability, availability and unattended remote control are fully satisfied by these gas turbine and pipeline compressor lines. Direct compressor turbine couplings improve the reliability and efficiency of gas
Feriana - Tunisia
PGT25 - PCL600
Cape Bon - Tunisia
Head Station 25 MW Gas Turbine
Driven Booster Compressors.
MS5002 - BCL404/a
Blue Stream
Pipeline Project from
Turkey to Russia
PGT25 - BCL406/b
Sbikha - Tunisia
PGT 25 - PCL603
Pipeline Compressors
Biskra - Algeria
OK1 - SP3bis Station