Error Messages | Possible Causes | What To Do | |
Beeping at the end | This is normal. The dishwasher | • | Toturn off the |
of the cycle | will beep twice at the end of the |
| turned off), pressthe HEATDRYpad 5 times within 3 seconds. |
| cycle |
| Atriple beepwill soundto indicatethe |
| has beenturned on or off. |
Low Detergentlight | SmartDispense"haslessthan | • | Fillthe SmartDispense"reservoirwith liquiddetergent.Afterfillingthe |
is ON | 10cyclesworth of detergent |
| reservoir,the LOWDETERGENTlightwillturn OFFoncethe dooris closed. |
| left inthe dishwasher |
| Ifyou arenotusingthe SmartDispenseTM feature,turn offthe lowdetergent |
| light by pressingtheADDEDHEATpad5 timeswithin3 seconds. |
Problem | Possible Causes | What To Do | |
Dishesand flatware | Low inletwater temperature | • | Hakesureinletwatertemperatureis correct(seepage8).Turnonthe hot |
not clean |
| waterfaucetnearestthe dishwasher,letrun untilthe watertemperature |
| stopsrising.Thenstartthe dishwasherandturn off thefaucet.Thisinsures |
| the enteringwaterishot. |
| Water pressureis temporarily low • | Turnon afaucet. Iswatercomingout moreslowlythan usual?Ifso,wait | |
| untilpressureisnormalbeforeusingyourdishwasher. |
| Airgapor disposerisclogged | • | Cleanthe airgap orflushthe disposer. |
| Improperrackloading | • | Hakesurelargedishwaredoesnot blockthe detergentdispenserorthe |
| washarms.Seethe Loadingthedishwasherrockssection. |
| No air gapor high drainloop | • | Verifythat you haveanair gapora highdrainloop.Referto the |
| InstallationInstructions. |
Spotsand filming | Extremelyhardwater | • | Userinseagentsto removespotsandpreventnewfilm buildup. |
on glassesand | Lowinlet water temperature | • | Hakesurewatertemperatureis at least49°C(120°F). |
flatware | Overloadingthe dishwasher | • | Loaddishwasheras showninthe LoadingPlaceSettingssection. |
| |||
| Improperloading | • | Hakesuredetergentisfresh. |
| • | Ifwateris extremelyhard,asoftenermay berequired. | |
| Oldor damp powderdetergent | ||
| |
| Rinseagent dispenserempty |
| Toolittle detergent |
Cloudinesson | Combinationof softwater and |
| Thisis calledetchingand ispermanent.Topreventthisfrom happening, |
glassware | too muchdetergent |
| uselessdetergentif you havesoftwater.Washglasswareinthe shortest |
| cyclethat willget it clean.Recalibratethe SmartDispense"systemif you |
| areusingit (seepage% Donot usethe manualdetergentdispenserand |
| the SmartDispense"at the sametime. |
| Water temperature entering | • | Thiscouldbeetching.Lowerthe waterheatertemperature. |
| the dishwasherexceeds |
| 65°C(150°F) |
Sudsin the tub | Correctdetergent | • | Useonlyautomaticdishwasherdetergentsto avoidsudsingCascade®.and |
| wasn'tused |
| ElectrasoPAutomaticDishwashingDetergentshavebeenapprovedfor use |
| in all GEdishwashers. |
| Toremovesudsfromthe tub,openthe dishwasherandletsudsdissipate. |
| Closeand latchthe dishwashenPumpout waterby touchingthe |
| •START/RESETpadonce;then 30secondslater,touchthe | |
| START/RESETpadagain.Repeatif necessary. |
| Rinseagent wasspilled | • | Alwayswipeup rinseagentspillsimmediately. |
| Detergentplacedin manual | • | UseSmartDispenseTM orthe manualdetergentdispenser,but not both. |
| detergentdispenserand |
| SmartDispense"dispenser |
Detergent left in | Dishesare blocking the | • | Repositionthe dishes,so the water from the lowerspray arm can |
dispenser cups | detergent cup or |
| flushthe detergentcup or the outlet on the SmartDispense"system. |
| SmartDispense" outlet |
| Seethe Loadingthe dishwashersection. |
Water in the | Cap not tightened after | • | Useaturkey basterto removeas much water as possiblefrom the |
SmartDispense_" | filling the dispenser |
| SmartDispenseT''dispenserand refill it as normal. Besureto tighten |
dispenser |
| the cap fully to preventwater from entering the dispenser. |
Blackorgrag | Aluminumutensilshave | • | Removemarkswitha mild,abrasivecleane_ |
marks on dishes | rubbedagainstdishes |