About the dishwasher control panel.
You can locate your model number on the tub wall just inside the doon Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
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Control Settings
HStatus Indicator Lights
TheStatusdisplautellsUouwhat'shappeningwhilethe dishwasheris inoperationandmauflash,indicatinga malfunction(see page6).Thelightswill come ONindicatingthe sequenceof operationthe dishwasherisin.
LOW Displauedwhenthe SmartDispenseTM needsto berefilledwith liquidorgelautomaticdishwasher DETERGENTdetergent.
SENSING Displayedwhilethe ExtraCleanTM Sensoris measuringthe amountof soilandtemperatureof wateE Thedishwasherwill adjustthe selectedcycleto achieveoptimalperformance.
WASHING Displayedduringprewashandmainwashperiods.
DRYING DisplayedduringHEATEDDRY.
SANITIZED Displayedwhencycle hasmetsanitizationconditionsLightremains.ONuntildoorisopened.
CLEAN Displayedwheno washcycleiscomplete.Thelightwill remainONuntildooris opened.
_ Time Remaining Displag (onsomemodels)
Duringoperation,the displayshowsthe minutesremaininguntilthe cycleiscomplete.Thedisplaymay adjustthe remaining timewhilethe Sensinglightis on.Thetimedisplayedat the startof eachcyclemay changefromthe factorysettingasthe unit customizesitselfto homeuse.Duringa delaystart,the displaywill showhoursof time remaininguntilthe cyclestarts.
_,l Selections
Pressthe pad for the desiredwash chicle.
NOTE:Allcgde times and water usageinformation contained inthe following section are approximate valuesonly. Actual resultswill depend on severalfactors,including but not limited to,inlet temperature, household water pressure and turbidity of the wash water.
The light above or next to the selectedpad will be ON to indicate which WASHCYCLEhas beenselected.
Heavg 33.3 I(8,8gal,),105 min.
Medium 28.41(7.5gal.),95 min.
Light 23.81(6.3gal.),85 min.
Thiscgcleraisesthe water temperature inthe final rinseto sanitizegour dishware.The cgde length will varg depending on the temperature of your inlet water.
Heovg 37.91(i0.0 gal.),80 min.
Medium 33.3 l(&8 gal.),70 min.
Light 28,4I(7,5 gal.),60 rain.
Thiscgcle is meant for heavily soileddishes or cookware with
Heovg 335 I(8.8 gal.),70 min.
Medium 28.4I(7.5 gal.),60 min,
Light 18.9I(5.0 gal.),50 rain.
Thiscgcle is for medium/heavily soiled dishesand glassware.