GE GSD400Y-04 Help IRs help you e* e, Readthk3usetwit‘chre Book carefully, writedown the modeland

Models: GSD400Y-04

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Help IRs help you e* e

ConsumerServices ~+...~~....’.~~

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Eaergy-sating tips

Thepowerconsu-mpticmof your dishwashercan bc$tiinimizedif ~ you followthesesuggestions:

eOflerate the dishwasher6n@ when it’s full. Let the dishesaccu- mulatein the dishwasher.When you put in only a partial load, use the RH’=JSEONLYcyc~eto rinse off heavy soils. Be sure to latch the door when waitingfor a full-load. This helps to keep soilsmoist, easierto remove.

*If you don’t need your dishes right away, use your ENERGYu SAVRRnomheatfeature that turns the drying heater off automatically. Dishesdry natuxallyover a longer -periodsuch as overnight.

Help IRs help you e* e

Readthk3usetwit‘chre Book carefully

It is intendedto helpyou operate and maintainyournewdishwasher properly.

Keepit handy for answersto your questions.

If you don’t understandsomething or needmore help...Call, toll free:

The GE Amwww4%nterTM 800.626.2W0 consumer’information service

or write(includeyourphone number): ConsumerAffairs GeneralElectricCompany AppliancePark Louisville,KY40225

If you receiveda damaged

dishwasher,immediatelycontact the dealer(or builder)that sold you the dishwasher.

Save time and money...

before you cdl for service Checkthe Problem Solver(pages 12-14).It listsminor causesof operatingproblemsthat you can correctyourself. It could saveyou an unnecessaryservicecall.

writedown the modeland

serial numbers

You’llfind them on a labeljust insidethe.dishwasherdoor.

Thesenumbersare also cmthe ConsumerProduct Ownership RegistrationCard that camewith your dishwasher.Beforesending in this card, pleasewrite these numbershere:



Use thesenumbersin any correspondenceor servicecalls concerningyour dishwasher.

To obtain Hispanicversion of this book, call

The GE AnswerCenterTM 800.626.2000 consumerinformation service. Toll-free.

I%ra obtenerla versibnen espaiiolde estemanual, llarnegratis a

The GE AnswerCenter, serviciode informacibn para el consuxnidor, teMfono800.626.2000.

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GE GSD400Y-04 Help IRs help you e* e, Readthk3usetwit‘chre Book carefully, writedown the modeland, Save time and money