GE GSD400Y-04 manual HNVtod-mawmadI.lse, $immt$with HOT’ ‘wWter, detergent, help prevent, agent

Models: GSD400Y-04

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help prevent



help prevent

H(NVtod-maw madI.lse




$immt$with HOT’ ‘wWter


‘witha rinse



Toget dishescleanand dry you needhot water.To helpyouget waterof the proper temperature, your GeneralElectricdishwasher has a waterheatingfeaturethat. automaticallyheatsthe waterin the washcycle.Thiswaterheating featuremay allowyou to turn downyour householdwaterheater and saveenergy.For goodwashing and drying,the enteringwater must be at least 120°F.Toprevent dish damage,inletwatershould not exceed150°F.

check your water temperature

with a candy or meat thermorme-

kr. Turn on the hot waterfaucet nearestthe dishwasher.Put the thermometerin a glassand let the waterrun continuouslyinto the glassuntil the temperaturestops rising. If the water temperatureis below120”Fadjust. your water heater.

.Helpfui!hints: If outsidetempera- tures are unusuallylow or if your water travelsa long distancefrom heater to dishwasheryou may need to set your heater’sthermostat up. If you have not used hot water for some time, the water in the pipes willbe cold. Turn on the hot water faucet at the sink and allowit to run until the water is hot. Then start the dishwasher.If you’ve recentlydone laundry or run hot water for showers,giveyour water heater time to recoverbefore operating the dishwasher.

Arinseagentmakeswaterflowoff dishesquickerthan usual.This lessenswaterspotting.Makes dryingfaster,too.

For best.dishwashingperform- ance, useof a rinseagentis recommended.

Rinseagentscomein eitherliquid or solidform. Yourdishwasher’s dispenserusesthe solidform.

H you cm’t find any rinseagent, write:



(“JET DRY”) Osborn Building

St. Paul, Minnesota55102

First,me only detergent specifically made for use in dishwashers. Other types will cause Oversudsing.

Second, deck the phosphate content. Phosphatehelpsprevent hard-waterinateriak from forming spots or filmon your dishes.If your wateris hard (7grainsor more), your detergenthas to work harder. Detergentswith a higher phosphatelevelwillprobablywork better. If the phosphatecontent is low (8.7070or less),you’llhaveto use extra detergentwith hard water.

Your water departmentcan tell you how hard your water is. So

can your rural countyagent. Or your area’swater softenercom- pany. Just calland ask them how many “grains” of hardnessis in your water.

How much detergent should you use? That depends. Is your water “hard” or “soft?” With hard water, you need extra detergentto get dishesclean. With soft water, you need lessdetergent.

Too much detergentwith soft water not only wastesmoney,it can be harmful. It can cause a permanent cloudinessof glass- ware, called “etching:’An outside layer of glassis etchedaway! Of course, this takes sometime. But why take a chancewhen it’s easy to find out the hardnessof your water.

Keep your detergent fresh and dry. Under the sink isn’t a good place to store detergent. Too much moisture. Don’t put detergent into the dispenseruntil you’re ready to wash dishes, either. (R won’t be fresh OR dry.)

If your detergent gets old or lumpy, throw it away. It won’t wash well. Old detergent often won’t dissolve.

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GE GSD400Y-04 manual HNVtod-mawmadI.lse, $immt$with HOT’ ‘wWter, detergent, help prevent, agent