GE GSD400Y-04 IhfPoRTANT SMETY INSTRUCTIONS, Readauinstructionsbefore l.lsing this appliance

Models: GSD400Y-04

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Readauinstructionsbefore l.lsing this appliance


~RNMNG--When usingthis

To minimizethe possibility


of injury.


~ Whenloadingitemsto be






s HYDROGENGASis produced

by the chemicalactionwithinyour

waterheaterand the gascan

accumulatein the waterheater

and/or waterpipesif hot waterhas

sUsethis applianceonly for its intendedpurpose as describedin thisUseand Care.Book.

@This dishwashermust be properlyinstalled and bcaled in accordancewith the Installation Instructionsbefore it is used. If you did not receivean Installation Instructionssheetwith your dish- washeryou can obtain one by contactingthe servicelocation nearestyou.

—Thisappliancemust be con- nectedto a groundedmetal, permanent, wiringsystem;or an equipment-groundingconductor must be run with the circuitcon- ductorsand connected,to the equipment-groundingterminalor ead of the appliance.

—Connectto a properly rated, protected and sizedpower-supply circuitto avoid electricaloverload.

@Use onIy detergentsor wetting agentsrecommendedfor use in a


@Do not wash plasticitemsunless marked “dishwashersafe” or the equivalent.For plasticitems not so marked, check the manufacturer’s recommendations.

@Load light plasticitems so they willnot becomedislodgedand drop to the bottom of the dish- \\asher-they might come into contact with the heating unit and be darnaged.

A.Locatesharp itemsso that theyare not likelyto damagethe door seal, and

B.Load sharp kniveswiththe handlesup to reducea risk of cut-typeinjuries.

@Do not touch the heating elementduringor immediately after use.

@Do not operateyour dishwasher unlessall enclosurepanelsare properlyin place.

@Do not tamper with controls.

@Do not abuse, sit on, or stand on the door or dish rack of the dishwasher.

~Closesupervisionis necessary if this applianceis used by or near children. Do not aHowchildrento play inside, on or with this appli- ance or any discardedappliance. Disposeof discardedappliances and shippingor packingmaterial properly.Beforediscardinga dishwasher,removethe door of the washingcompartment.

@Keep all washingdetergentsand wettingagentsout of the reach of children, preferably in a Iocked cabinet. Observeall warningson container labelsto avoid personal injury.

not beenused for a periodof two

weeksor longer.HYDROGEN


ventthe possibilityof damageor

injury,if you havenot used hot

water for two weeksor more, or

moveinto a residencein whichthe

hot watersystemmay not have

been used for sometime, turn on

all hot water faucetsand allow

them to run for severalminutes

before usingany electricalappli-

ancewhichis connectedto the hot

water system.ThiswiHallowany

hydrogengasto escape.Of course,

sincethe gas is flammable,do not

smokeor use an open flameor

applianceduring thisprocess.

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GE GSD400Y-04 manual IhfPoRTANT SMETY INSTRUCTIONS, Readauinstructionsbefore l.lsing this appliance