

OVenshelvesmaybe cleanedwith

amildabrasivecleanserfollowing manufacturer’sdirections.After cleaning,rinsetheshelveswithclean water and dry witha dry cloth.TO rernovc heavy,burned-onsoil,soapy metalpads maybe used following manufkcturer>sdirections.After scrubbing,washwithsoapywater,

rinse and dry.

Broiler Rn & Wck

After broiling, remove the broiler raclc and carefully pour off the grease. Wash and rinse the pan and rack in hot, soapy water.

If food has burned on, sprinkle the broiler rack while hot with detergent and cover with wet paper

towelsor a dish cloth. That way, burned-onfoodswillsoak loose whilethe meal is beingserved.

Donotstorea soiledbroilerpan andrackin theovenor broiler compartment.

SOven LightBulb


Beforereplacing any light bulb, disconnect electric power to the range at the main fuse or circuit breakerpanel. Letthe bulbcool completelybeforeremovingit. Do nottoucha hotbulbwith a damp cioth—thebulbwillbreak.

Thelightbulb in yourovenis locatedin the upperright corner. Reachin and unscrewit aller taking precautionsmentionedabove. Replaceit with a high-temperature appliancebulb of the same wattage.



Thetemperaturecontrolin your newovenhasbeencarefullyadjusted to provideaccuratetemperatures. However,if thisovenhas replaced oneyouhaveusedforseveralyears, youmaynoticea differencein the degreeof browningor the length oftimerequiredwhenusingyour favoriterecipes.Oventemperature controlshavea tendencyto “drift” overa periodof yearsandsince thisdrift is verygradual,it is not readilynoticed.Therefore,you mayhavebecomeaccustomedto yourpreviousovenwhichmay haveprovideda higheror lower temperaturethanyouselected.

Beforeattemptingto havethe temperatureof yournewoven changed,be sureyouhavefollowed the bakingtimeandtemperatureof the recipecarefhlly.Then, after youhaveusedtheovena fewtimes andyoufeelthe ovenis toohot

or toocool, thereis a simple adjustmentyoucanmakeyourself on the OVENTEMPknob.

Pullthe knoboff thecontrolshaft andlookat the backside. There is

adiscin the centerof theknobskirt witha seriesof notcheson theimer edgenextto the knobshafl. Oneof thesenotchesis positionedovera pointeron thesideoftheknobshaft.

Note position of pointer to notches before adjustment

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Loosen only the


locking screws

Notewhichnotchthepointeris locatedin. Tbmakean adjustment, carefullyloosen(approximately oneturn), butdo notcompletely removethe twoscrewsthatholdthe skirtto the knob.Holdthe knobin one handand withtheotherhand carefullytiltthe skirtuntilthenotch in thediscclearsthepointeron the knobshaft.

Tomisethe oventemperature,turn the dial in thedirectionofthe arrowfor “Raise~’Tolowerthe temperature,turn thedial in the directionof arrowfor “Lower~’ Eachnotchwillchangetheoven temperatureapproximately25°E

Wesuggestthatyoumakethe adjustmentonenotchfromthe originalsettingandcheckoven performancebeforemakingany additionaladjustments.

Afterthe adjustmentis made,make surethepointeron theknobshaft is alignedwiththenotchin thedisc. Press skirtandknobtogetherand retightenscrewssotheyare snug, butbe carefulnotto overtighten.

Re-installknobon rangeand checkperformance.Note:After an adjustmenthasbeenmadethe “Off” and “Broil”positionswill not lineup withtheindicatormark on the controlpanelas they previouslydid. Thiscondition

is normalandwill notcreate

aproblem. e

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GE JGKS16GEH warranty SOven LightBulb Replacement, Adjustingh? OvenThermosbt

JGKS16GEH specifications

The GE JGKS16GEH is a standout model in the realm of kitchen appliances, known for its seamless integration of modern technology and user-centric design. This cooking range is particularly tailored for those who appreciate exceptional culinary performance paired with contemporary aesthetics.

One of the main features of the JGKS16GEH is its dual-fuel capability, allowing users to harness the benefits of both gas and electric cooking methods. This flexibility is particularly advantageous for home cooks who desire the precise temperature control of gas burners alongside the consistent heat of an electric oven. The range typically features four sealed burners, which not only enhance cooking precision but also make cleaning a breeze, as spilled food cannot seep beneath the burners.

The oven of the JGKS16GEH is designed with an array of modern technologies that elevate the cooking experience. It often comes equipped with convection cooking, which circulates heated air throughout the oven cavity, leading to more even cooking results and faster baking times. This innovative feature is perfect for baking multiple trays of cookies or roasting meats, ensuring that everything comes out perfectly golden and cooked to perfection.

In terms of characteristics, the GE JGKS16GEH is built with durability and style in mind. Its sleek stainless steel finish not only looks sophisticated but is also resistant to fingerprints and smudges, making it easy to maintain. The glass oven door allows users to monitor their cooking without the need to open the door, helping to maintain optimal cooking temperatures.

Another important technology included in the GE JGKS16GEH is the self-cleaning option, which simplifies maintenance. With just the touch of a button, the oven can lock itself and utilize high temperatures to remove any food residue, saving time and effort for users. Additionally, many models feature heavy-duty oven racks and customizable storage options, allowing for flexible cooking spaces.

Overall, the GE JGKS16GEH combines robust functionality with sleek design, making it an excellent addition to any modern kitchen. Whether you're a novice cook or a seasoned chef, its array of features and technologies can enhance your cooking endeavors with ease and style.