Using Youroven


shndingRiot Models




Theserangeshavea standingoven pilotport thatmustbe lit initially.

To light the ovenpilot port:

1.BesureOVENTEMPknobis in the OFFposition.

2.Openthebroilerdrawerandpull thedrawerdownflat.Put thebroiler pan in the lowestpositionand slide thedrawerbackintothe ran~e.This willmakeit easierfor yout; reach insidethe broilercompartment.

Li@ti~ ImtruetiQm





The ovenpiloton theserangesis lightedbyelectricignition.

To tight the burner,turnthe OVENTEMPknobto the desired temperature.Theburnershould lightwithin60 seconds.Youwill hear a litie clickingnoise—the soundof the electricsparkigniting the burner.

rower Ouhge?

Althoughthe oven/broilerburner on theserangeswillnot self-light in the eventof an electricalpower outage,a burnerin usewhenan electricalpowerftilure occursWN continueto operatenormally.


electrica~ power Outige, carefi~= followthe stepsbelow.

1.Be sureOVENTEMPknobi in the OFF position,

2.Openboththe ovenandbroiler doorsandwait5 minutesto allow anypilotgasto dissipate.

3.Unplugthe rangefromthewdl outiet,turn offthe circuitbreaker, or removethefise toavoidamidenti ignitionoftheovenif electricpower is restoredwhileyouare lighting thepilot.

4.Put thebroilerpan in thelowest position.

5.Locatethe ovenpilo~assembly by lookingintothebroileropening. Thepilotis at thebackofthebroiler compartment,on the lefisideof theburner.

Note:The ovenmustbeat room temperaturebeforeyoushould attemptto lightthe ;ven pilot manually.


3.Findthe ovenpilotport at the backof the broilercompartment. The longtube,runningfrom front to back, is the ovenburner. The pilotport is at theback, aboutone inchbelowth~burner.

4.Usinga longmatchor match holder,reachin and lightthe oven pilot.

Tolight the ovenburner: Turnthe OVENTEMPknobto the desiredtemperature.

Power outige? An electricalpower failurewill notaffectalighted standingovenpilot.

6.Turnthe OVENTEMPknobto the desiredtemperaturesetting.

7.Lightthepilotwitha matchand withdrawyourarm immediately becausethe ovenburnermaylight in as littleas 20 seconds.

8.Closethe ovenandbroilerdoors.

Note:It is necessaryto lightthe

pilotmanuallyeachtimethe oven is usedduringa poweroutage.


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GE JGBS03EK, JLBS03PK LightiwImtructiom, Li@ti~ ImtruetiQm, ShndingRiot Models, MBso3PK Jgbsegpk, ElectricIgnitionModels