To replace hood iamp, first disconnectpower at main fuse or circuit breaker panel or pull plug. Remove2 screws from each side of lower panel and 3 screws from front edge. Lower panel until it rests on range below. Be sure buih to be replaced is cool before removing. Removebulb or bulbs and replace with 40 watt appliance bulbs. Raiselower panel and replace screws. Connect electrical power to micro- waveoven.
To replaceyour oven lamp,first disconnectpewerat mainfuse or circuitbreakeror put{ptug.Removethe top grill by taking off 2 screws which hoid it in piace. Nexti remove the single screw on top left that secures lamp housing. (On models so equipped,) Open oven door for easier removalof the lamp hous- ing assembly.Then grasp tab and pull out and up to clear door hinge and front lip of oven, To remove bulb, push it inward gently and turn to left, then puii outward from socket. Replace with GE Lamp = 25T8DC,
Do notattemptto operatethe ovenualessthe gdli [s in place,
Clean off the grease and dust on hood surfaces often. Use a warm detergent solution. About f table-
—spoon of ammonia may be added to the water. Take care not to touch the filters and enameled surfaces
—with this. Ammoniawill tend to darken metal.
SWe time and money=. .bekxe you
cd forSWWb, check the
Probiem:The oven doesn’t seemto work at all.
Solution:Check first to seethat the
Problem:Ovenwon’t start when using temperature probe,
Solution:Check to makesureTime/Temp switch is set at TEMP. Make sure the cable end is securely
“seated”into oven receptacleand that temperature seton dial is higher than actualtemperatureof food.
I%obk?rn:Hood fan isn’t working right.
Solution: If it doesn’t work at aii, check the main fuse or circuit breaker. If it works but is faster than usuai, the fiiter may need cleaning. If fan goes cm and off, it’s probabiy overheating. Check to make surethe filter is ciean. if it is,caii for service.If fanis on and can’t be turned off, see page 7 about the automaticfan feature.
Problem:Microwavepower won’t come on.
Solution: Check to be sure the door is securely ciosed and the timer set. if a dish is touching the door when it seemsto be ciosed, it actuaiiy may not be firmiy ciosed.
Problem:Ovengoesoff beforesettime haselapsed.
Solution:Check to be certain the ‘fuseprotecting the receptacle into which c~id is plugged is oper- ating, if fuse Hasnot biown and power stiii does not function, caii for service.
on YourOven:
1.Steam or vapor escaping from around the door.
2.Light refiectkm around door or outer case.
3.Ouil thumping sound while operating at power ieveisother than high.
4.Dimming oven iight and change in biower sound may occur whiie operating at power levels other than high.