
aAdd heating baby k)ocfin glassjars,evenwithout their lids; especiallymeatandegg mixtures.

@ E’bn’t defrostfrozenbever- agesin narrowneck bottles; especiaHycarbonatedones. Evenif the containeris opened, pressurecan build up. This can causethe containerto burst, resultingin injury.

~Usemetalonly as directedin CCNMXM.Metalstrips as used on meat,roastsare helpfulwhen usedas shown in Cookbook.

TV dinners may be cooked in metaltrays. I-k3wever,when using metalin microwaveoven, keepmefa!al least‘t+lch away

from sidesd mm.

* Cooking ukmsilsmay hot becauseof heat

transferredfrom the heated food. This is especiallytrue if plasticwrap has beencovering the top and handlesof the utensil.Potholdersmay be neededto handlethe utensiL


the C$Vmlfhxw


too hot !0 tauch.

Becarefultouching the floor during and aftercooking,

S ml not $,&wany

in food you are microwaving





useifl the



the mlmm $MM

Hto cook with. If you leave the probe insidettw CMWIwithout irfsertirlgit in focalor liquid, and turn on microwaveenergy,it can createelectricalarcing in the cwen,and damageovenwalls.

ePlasticIJterwMv-+%3stic utensilsdesignedfor microwave cooking arevery useful,but should be usedcarefully.EverI microwaveplastic maynot be as tolerant of overcookingcondi- tions as are glassor ceramic materialsand maysoftenor char if subjectedto short periods of overcooking.In longerexpo- suresto overcooking,the food and utensilscould ignite. For thesereasons:1) Usemicro- waveplasticsonly “anduse them” in strict compliancewith the utensilmanufacturer’s

2)Do not

subjectempty utensilsto rnicro- wavirfg,3) Do not permitchildren to use plasti~utensilswithout completesupervision.

ecC@drigpark follow

our diredions exactlyand alwayscook the meatto at least 170°.This assuresthat, in the remotepossibilitythat trichina may be presentin the meat,it will be killed and meatwill be safeto eat.

@eggs (in and CM$M

shell) !$3notf(lf’ microwavecooking. Pressure can build up insideegg yolk and maycauseit to burst,resulting in injury,

@with CMJter ‘W@%”Swci-as1 pQ&3iCE$%hat dogs or 5EM3agQs, apples}chicken liversand other giblets,and eggs (Sx33abcwe) shm.dcibe piercedto allow steamto escapeduring cx30kif4g.


and Chw%?d 138Q51 should be alit, piercedor vw%ed as ciirecteciiri Cookbook If they are not, pk3sticcmulciburst dur-

ing oraftercooking, possibly resulting in Injury. Also, plastic storagecontainersshouid beat ieast

becausethey form a tight seai, Whencooking witin

lightiy coveredwith piasticwrap, remove03verif3gcaf’efuiiyarlci diwmtsteamaway from hands and &Kx3.

groundedby a


See the speciaiinstallationbook-


iet pack$dwith the microwave




-Newer kxwe WC&X3unik3

at highhw3tsettings.

130ilcwercausessmokingand greasyspilkwersthat may ignite and spreadif ventfan is oper- ating. To minimizeautomaticfan operation,useadequatesized utensiisand usehigh heatset- tings only when necessary.

-In thement of43fpwasefirs,

smotherfiarning pan on surface unit by coveringpwl completely

with!M,cookiesheet ~— or fiat tray.

—Neverkmchunderthe ovenwithme ventfan becauseit may spreadthe


--4@q3 h@Qdm?t!$&wwn

dmn9 wxxxding W instructions WI p$3g3!313 WKi 14,to maintain

good and avoid grease fires,


Page 4
Image 4
GE JVM48 manual Newer kxwe WC&X3unik3 At highhw3tsettings, Thement of43fpwasefirs, C$Vmlfhxw, Ml not $,&wany