gGE Security
Arming your system in the “AWAY” mode
AWAY is used when the user is away from the premise and wants the interior protected. Listed below are the steps to arm in the AWAY Mode:
Step 1 Close all protected doors and windows.
•Ready light will be on or flashing when all protected zones and sensors are secure.
NOTE: If any zones are bypassed, a sensor in that zone can be violated without affecting the ready light.
•The security system will not arm if the ready light is not on or flashing.
•If the power light is off, you have no AC power. Restore power if possible. If not, contact your installing company for service.
•If the power light is flashing, you have a battery failure. Contact your installing company for service.
Step 2 Enter your 4 or 6 digit user code to arm the system.
•The armed and exit lights will illuminate.
•You may now leave the building.
The exit light will flash rapidly for the last 10 seconds of the exit delay as a warning to the user that the exit time is about to expire. The user may wish to disarm and rearm the system if more time is needed.
Making the system ready to arm
If the ready light is not on or if it is flashing, a zone is not secure. To identify this zone check the zone lights. A zone light will be “on” if the zone has been bypassed. If a zone light is “flashing”, that zone is in alarm or has been faulted. If a zone light is “flashing” rapidly, it means that the zone is in a trouble condition.
Arming your system in the “STAY mode”
STAY is used when the user is inside the premise and wants protection around the perimeter. Listed below are the steps to arm in the STAY Mode:
Step 1 Close all protected doors and windows.
•Ready light must be on or flashing when all protected zones and sensors are secure.
NOTE: If any zones are bypassed, a sensor in that zone can be violated without affecting the ready light.
•The security system will not arm if the ready light is not on or flashing.
•If the power light is off, you have no AC power. Restore power if possible. If not, contact your installing company for service.
•If the power light is flashing, you have a battery failure. Contact your installing company for
Step 2 Enter your 4 or 6 digit user code. (Optional, if programmed.)
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