9. Related Products
Labelling systems
Nick translation kits N5000/5500
3’-end labelling kit N4020
5’ end labelling kit RPN 1509
RNA labelling system
(paired promoter SP6/T7 system) RPN 3100
Hybridization buffers
Rapid-hyb buffer RPN 1635/6
Hybridization buffer tablets RPN 131
Hybridization membranes
Hybond™ - Range of nylon and nitrocellulose
blotting membranes
Autoradiography products
Hyperfilm™ - high performance autoradiography films
Hypercassettes™ and Hyperscreens™ - available from stock
Safety Products
Radiation safety products for safe handling and storage of 32P/33P/
35S and 125I, liquid scintillation products
SepRate™ - range of highly purified agarose for a range of DNA
fragment sizes and users
Labelled dNTPs
See Table 2