Section 2 – Installation

Recreational Vehicle Generator


Never use discharged cooling air for heating or permit such air to enter the vehicle interior. This air contains deadly carbon monoxide gas and other poisonous, flammable or explosive gases.


Engine operation drives cooling fans for the two-stage cooling air system. A pressure fan draws cooling air into the top of the generator (Figure 2.9). This airflow cools the engine/generator and electronic components. The second part of the cooling system, a suction fan, draws air that is heated from a hot engine into a collector pan at the base of the unit. This heated air (although cooler than exhaust muf- fler) is then deflected out the bottom toward the ground.

Figure 2.9 – Airflow Through Engine/Generator


The minimum size of the air inlet opening, whether the generator is housed in a conventional compartment or not, is at least 100 square inches (see Figure 2.10). This rule applies whether inlet air is brought in through an opening in the compartment door, an opening in the vehicle skirt, through ductwork, or by any other means.


Screening, louvers or expanded metal that cover air openings restrict airflow. Compensate for this by making the actual air opening proportionately larger. See the "Compensating for Restrictions" section.


Be sure to meet the minimum clearances illustrated in Figure 2.4.

When the unit is installed on a suspended mounting system, one of several different methods of supplying airflow may be used as follows:

Provide a door in the vehicle skirt having an air inlet opening (Figure 2.11).

Figure 2.11 – Suspended Mount: Inlet Door

Using ductwork (Figure 2.12). The installer must be sure air is available to the top of the generator since air inlets are located at the top.

By providing an opening in the vehicle skirt and space behind the generator for cooling airflow (Figure 2.13). Recommended clearance behind the back of the generator is at least 1/2 inch (13 mm).

Figure 2.12 – Air Inlet Using Ductwork

Figure 2.10 – Air Inlet in Compartment Door