observe locknut
Fig. 18 – Orifice Preliminary Setting
extended ridge
Fig. 19 – Orthodontic Mouthp iece Orientation
Service & Repair Manual
16.Apply a medium blade screwdriver to engage the slotted head of the orifice, and turn it clockwise approximately 5 full revolutions. Then, grasp the screwdriver by the shaft, rather than the handle, for best sensitivity of touch. Con- tinue turning the orifice very slowly while closely observing the locknut on the end of the poppet (see Fig. 18). STOP turning the orifice when the locknut begins to move slightly. This will indicate that the orifice has made contact against the LP seat.
CAUTION: Do not continue to turn the orifice further be- yond the point where it makes contact with the low pressure seat. Doing so may damage the LP seat or sealing surface of the orifice, requiring their replacement, and can also re- sult in an incorrect adjustment of the second stage.
17.Lay the diaphragm(3) inside the case, directly over the lever, with its raised surface facing up.
18.Fit the diaphragm cover(2) inside the case so that it seats directly over the diaphragm. Adjust as needed to align the logo parallel with the inlet coupling.
19.Mate the cover ring(1) over the diaphragm cover and into the case, and turn it clockwise by hand until snug. Be careful to avoid
20.Install the mouthpiece(12) onto the mouthpiece tube of the case, with the extended ridge facing up to accommodate the natural overbite of the human jaw (see Fig. 19). Fit a
▼After completing the reassembly of the second stage, proceed to Section 6 – Final Testing
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