Copyright ©2001 Liberty Group
Atlas & Yukon Second Stage
19. Using the O-ring pick that is provided in the Select Kit,
lightly pierce the center of the LP seat(8) and pull it out of
the head of the poppet. Discard the seat and do not
attempt to reuse.
20. Remove the exhaust tee(13) from the second stage case to
expose the exhaust valve(15) for inspection.
CAUTION: It is important to follow the correct procedure
for removing the exhaust tee. Failure to do so can result in
permanent damage to the exhaust tee and the second stage
case, requiring their replacement.
a. First, place the blade of a medium screwdriver inside
one of the openings of the exhaust tee, directly beneath
the flange and in front of the tab (see Fig. 9). Press the
flange between thumb and screwdriver and gently lift
the flange straight up, only until it disengages from the
tab. DO NOT pry at an angle.
b. Repeat the above step to disengage the other flange.
c. Hold the second stage case between both hands, and
apply both thumbs to opposite sides of the exhaust tee.
Press upward with equal pressure on both sides to
disengage the exhaust tee from the two upper tabs of
the case. (See Fig. 10.)
d. Closely inspect the exhaust tee to check for any signs of
damage that may have been caused by abuse or
improper disassembly. If found, discard it and replace
with new.
NOTE: It is not necessary to replace the exhaust valve
unless it shows signs of wear or decay upon inspection. If
replacement is not necessary, however, it is important to
avoid removing the exhaust valve from the case while per-
forming the inspection. Doing so will stretch the retaining
barb, and can eventually result in leakage of water past the
exhaust valve.
21. Closely inspect the condition of the exhaust valve to ensure
that it is evenly seated against the second stage case on
all sides, and free of any tears, holes, or other signs of
decay. Peel back the lip on all sides to ensure it is supple
and returns to its original position. If any wear or damage
is detected, or if stiffening has occurred, pull the exhaust
valve straight out of the case and discard it.
Fig. 9 – Exhaust Tee Removal - Step 1
Fig. 10 – Exhaust Tee Removal - Step 2