“Guilt-free” Air Baked Fries

1-1 1/2 lbs. potatoes (washed)

cut into 1/2” cubes or cut into 1/2” strips (steak fries)

Place cut potatoes into Roasted Veggies/Air Bake Basket.

Secure Basket onto Rotisserie Bar with Brackets. Cook at 450˚F for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, press “ON/PAUSE” button.

Use Rotisserie Bar Remover to remove Rotisserie Bar and Basket. Use oven mitts to open Basket Door and add seasoning to taste (salt, garlic, rosemary, etc.). (If desired, you may spray a light mist of olive oil onto potatoes before seasoning. DO NOT spray olive oil into Rotisserie Oven.) Turn Basket to coat evenly with seasoning.

Use oven mitts to replace Rotisserie Bar with Basket into Rotisserie Oven.

Close Rotisserie Oven Cover.

Press ON/PAUSE Button and cook for an additional 15 minutes.