CSoft-off by PWRBTTN
Press pow er button then Pow er off instantly . (Default v alue) |
8Delay 4 Sec. Press pow er button 4 sec to Pow er off. Enter suspend if button is pressed less
than 4 sec.
CAC Back Function
8Memory | Sy stem pow er on depends on the status before AC lost. |
Alw ay s in Off state w hen AC back. (Default v alue) | |
Alw ay s pow er on the sy stem w hen AC back. |
CKeyboard Power On
8Passw ord | Enter from 1 to 5 characters to set the Key board Pow er On Passw ord. |
8Disabled | Disabled this function. (Default v alue) |
8Key board 98 | If y our key board hav e "POWER Key " button, y ou can press the key to |
| pow er on y our sy stem. |
CMouse Power On
8Disabled | Disabled this function. (Default v alue) |
8Double Click | Set mouse pow er on by double click mouse bottom. |
CPME Event Wake Up
8Disabled | Disable this function. |
8Enabled | Enable PME Ev ent Wake up. (Default Value) |
8Disabled | Disable Modem Ring On / Wake On LAN function. |
8Enabled | The modem ring / LAN w ake up w ill bring the sy stem out of |
| suspend state if this option is set "Enabled". (Default Value) |
- 50 - | BIOS Setup |
麎 鞢鏒 | 齇 | 鸕 |
蠖韙櫆曚誜陼 韖む