Add New Hardware Wizard - USB Audio Device
11. Next, the | 13. Windows |
Wizard automatical- | searches for new |
ly installs the USB | drivers in a specific |
Audio Device. The | location. Uncheck |
Add New | all the boxes. |
Hardware Wizard | Click Next. |
indicates that it has |
found the USB |
Audio Device. |
Click Next. |
12.The Wizard prompts you to search for the best driver for your device or select the driver you want from a list. Select
Search for the best driver for your device.
Click Next.
14.The Wizard indicates that it is ready to install the best driver for this device. Click Next to install the driver.
15. Click Finish when the Wizard is complete.
If the Wizard Cannot Locate the Driver | Headsets |
16.If the Add New Hardware Wizard cannot locate the driver, insert your Windows Operating System
If the Wizard still does not locate the driver, go to the GN Netcom website at www.gnnetcom.com/usb or contact GN Netcom customer service at
Note: Do not unplug the USB connector from the computer while an application that uses USB audio is running. This could cause a system crash.
Before using your headset, join the Quick Disconnect to the mating connector on the