6.Lower the table one full turn of the crank han- dle. Wait until the chain starts moving before starting to count the crank handle rotation.
7.Starting at one end, place a 0.002" feeler gauge between the sanding drum and the gauge block. (The feeler gauge should slide with moderate resistance, without forcing the drum to roll.)
8.Repeat Step 7 at the other end of the drum.
To adjust the pillow block bearings:
1.Loosen the lock nuts (see Figure 30) on one of the pillow block bearings that requires adjustment.
2.Rotate the setscrews 1⁄8 of a turn clockwise to raise the pillow block bearings (see Figure 30).
Note: Turn all setscrew sets an equal amount.
3.Tighten the lock nuts and recheck the align- ment using the gauge blocks, repeating Steps
To adjust the sanding drum perpendicular to the feed direction (Figure 32):
;ZZY 9^gZXi^dc
Figure 32. Drum perpendicular to feed direction.
2.First measure the distance between the out- side of the drum and the inside of the dust scoop (Figure 33). The distances should be within 1⁄8" of each other at each end of the drum.
Brace | Sanding Drum |
Dust Scoop |
Figure 33. Measuring distance between drum
and dust scoop.
3.If the measurements are not within 1⁄8", the drum can be moved by loosening the lock nuts on the pillow block bearings and moving one end of the drum forward or backward as necessary in the slotted holes.
Note: After you have adjusted the drum, do not forget to tighten the lock nuts and recheck the alignment by repeating Steps