440V Conversion

I]Z BdYZa <%+.. XVc WZ XdckZgiZY [dg ))%K deZgVi^dc#I]^hXdckZgh^dc_dWXdch^hihd[Y^hXdc" cZXi^c\i]ZhVl[gdbi]ZedlZghdjgXZ!gZeaVX^c\ Wdi] dkZgadVY gZaVnh! VcY gZl^g^c\ i]Z bV^c VcY hXdg^c\WaVYZbdidgh[dg))%KdeZgVi^dc#

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To rewire the Model G0699 for 440V opera- tion:


2. GZbdkZ i]Z ZaZXig^XVa eVcZa XdkZg [gdb i]Z WVX`d[i]Z[gVbZhZZFigure 4#



Figure 4.AdXVi^dcd[ZaZXig^XVaeVcZaXdkZg#


3. BV`ZcdiZd[l^gZadXVi^dchdcWdi]dkZgadVY gZaVnh ^chiVaaZY dc i]Z ZaZXig^XVa eVcZa hZZ Figure 5 VcY gZ[Zg id Electrical Cabinet Wiring Diagram dcPage 73#


Figure 5.AdXVi^dchd[i]ZdkZgadVYgZaVnhdci]Z


4. 9^hXdccZXiVcYgZbdkZWdi]dkZgadVYgZaVnh! i]ZcgZeaVXZi]Zbl^i]i]ZgZaVnh^cXajYZY^c i]Z))%KXdckZghVi^dc`^i#

Note: Although the two 220V relays look sim- ilar, they are not the same models. However, the two 440V relays are the same models and can be installed in either position.

5. HZii]ZVbeZgV\ZY^Vadci]ZaZ[igZaVnid&%6 VcYi]Zg^\]igZaVnid'6#

6. DeZc i]Z _jcXi^dc WdmZh dc i]Z bV^c VcY hXdg^c\WaVYZbdidgh!i]ZcgZl^gZi]Zbdidgh Vhh]dlcdci]ZY^V\gVbhadXViZY^ch^YZi]Z bdidg_jcXi^dcWdmXdkZgh#

Note: When changing the motor wiring for the 440V conversion, refer to the wiring diagrams inside the motor junction box covers, as they will reflect any changes to the motors shipped with the machine. As an aid to understanding these wiring diagrams or if they are miss- ing, refer to the motor wiring diagrams on

Page 75.


Page 16
Image 16
Grizzly owner manual 440V Conversion, To rewire the Model G0699 for 440V opera- tion