3. BV`ZhjgZi]ZgZ^hZcdj\]edlZgXdgY^ch^YZ i]Z_jcXi^dcWdmidbV`Zi]ZXdccZXi^dchl^i] i]ZhVbZVbdjcid[haVX`Vhi]Zl^gZhXdc" cZXiZYdcided[i]ZiZgb^cVaWVg!i]Zci^\]iZc i]ZhigV^cgZa^Z[VgdjcYi]ZXdgY#

4. Ij\dci]ZXdgYl^i]bdYZgViZ[dgXZidbV`Z hjgZ^iYdZhcdibdkZ#

>[ i]Z edlZg XdgY XdbZh addhZ l]Zc ndj ij\ dc ^i! gZ"edh^i^dc ^i VcY gZ"i^\]iZc i]Z higV^c gZa^Z[# >[ i]Z higV^c gZa^Z[ YdZh cdi VYZfjViZan hZXjgZ i]Z XdgY! i]Zc gZeaVXZ ^i l^i] dcZ i]Vi ^h XdggZXian h^oZY [dg i]Z XdgY#

 >c i]Z cZmi hiZe! XdccZXi i]Z ^cXdb^c\ ]di l^gZh id i]Z i]gZZ aZ[i iZgb^cVah VcY i]Z \gdjcY l^gZ id i]Z g^\]i"bdhi iZgb^cVa! Vh h]dlc^cFigure 57#

5. AddhZc i]Z iZgb^cVa hXgZl! ^chZgi i]Z l^gZh WZilZZci]ZiZgb^cVaeaViZh!i]Zc[jaani^\]iZc i]ZiZgb^cVahXgZl#Ij\dci]Zl^gZhidbV`Z hjgZi]Vii]ZnVgZhZXjgZ#

>[Vl^gZXdbZhaddhZl]Zcndjij\dc^i! gZeZVi i]^h hiZe# >[ ndj Xdci^cjZ id ]VkZ Y^[[^Xjain XdccZXi^c\ i]Z l^gZh hZXjgZan! Xdch^YZgjh^c\XaVbe"dcg^c\dgheVYZiZg" b^cVahdci]ZZcYhd[i]Zl^gZh#










Figure 57.>cXdb^c\edlZgXdccZXi^dch#

6. GZ"^chiVaai]Z_jcXi^dcWdma^YWZ[dgZXdci^cj" ^c\l^i]i]ZiZhigjc#


Test Run

DcXZ i]Z VhhZbWan ^h XdbeaZiZ! iZhi gjc ndjg bVX]^cZ id bV`Z hjgZ ^i gjch egdeZgan VcY ^h gZVYn[dggZ\jaVgdeZgVi^dc#

The test run consists of verifying the follow- ing:

™ I]ZbdidghedlZgjeVcYgjcXdggZXian#

™ I]Z HIDE Wjiidc hV[Zin [ZVijgZ ldg`h Xdg" gZXian#

™ I]Z WaVYZ XdkZg hV[Zin hl^iX] ldg`h Xdg" gZXian#

™ I]Z bV^c bdidg ijgch i]Z XdggZXi Y^gZXi^dc bVX]^cZ^hcdil^gZYdji"d["e]VhZ#

>[! Yjg^c\ i]Z iZhi gjc! ndj XVccdi ZVh^an adXViZ i]ZhdjgXZd[VcjcjhjVacd^hZdgk^WgVi^dc!hide jh^c\ i]Z bVX]^cZ ^bbZY^ViZan! i]Zc gZk^Zl TroubleshootingdcPage 64#

>[ndjhi^aaXVccdigZbZYnVegdWaZb!XdciVXidjg IZX]HjeedgiVi*,%*)+".++([dgVhh^hiVcXZ#

Before starting the saw, make sure you have performed the preceding assembly and adjustment instructions, and you have read through the rest of the manual and are familiar with the various functions and safety features on this machine. Failure to follow this warning could result in serious personal injury or even death!

To test run the machine:

1. BV`ZhjgZndjjcYZghiVcYi]ZhV[Zin^chigjX" i^dchVii]ZWZ\^cc^c\d[i]ZbVcjVaVcYi]Vi i]ZbVX]^cZ^hhZijeegdeZgan#

2. BV`ZhjgZVaaiddah VcY dW_ZXihjhZYYjg^c\ hZijeVgZXaZVgZYVlVn[gdbi]ZbVX]^cZ#


Page 38
Image 38
Grizzly G0699 owner manual Test Run, 8dccZXidc, Test run consists of verifying the follow- ing