
Di]Zg i]Vc i]Z ajWg^XVi^dc ed^cih XdkZgZY ^c i]^h hZXi^dc!Vaadi]ZgWZVg^c\hVgZ^ciZgcVaanajWg^XViZY VcY hZVaZY Vi i]Z [VXidgn# H^bean aZVkZ i]Zb VadcZjcaZhhi]ZncZZYidWZgZeaVXZY#

6ai]dj\] ^i ^h cdi cZXZhhVgn id gZbdkZ i]Z iVWaZ id XdbeaZiZ i]Z ajWg^XVi^dc iVh`h [dg i]Z igjc" c^dchVcYaZVYhXgZlh!idYdhdbV`Zh^iZVh^Zgid VXXZhhi]ZhZVgZVh[dgegdeZg^cheZXi^dc!XaZVc" ^c\!VcYajWg^XVi^dc#

Important: Take care not to get any lubrication on the drive V-belts to prevent slippage and damage. If you do, replace them.

Removing Main Table

Tools NeededQty

=ZmLgZcX])bb############################################## & =ZmLgZcX]+bb############################################## & =ZmLgZcX]-bb############################################## & LgZcX]&.bb################################################### & LgZcX]')bb################################################### &

To remove the table:


2. GZbdkZ i]Z g^e [ZcXZ VhhZbWan! g^e [ZcXZ gV^a! g^e [ZcXZ hXVaZ! VcY Wdi] ZmiZch^dch l^c\h[gdbi]ZXVhi^gdciVWaZ#

3. BdkZi]Zha^Y^c\iVWaZVaai]ZlVn[dglVgYVcY adX`^i^ceaVXZ#

4. GZbdkZi]Z[djg]ZmcjihVcYheVXZgh[gdb i]ZWdiidbd[i]ZhijYhi]VihZXjgZi]ZXVhi ^gdciVWaZidi]ZXVW^cZihZZFigure 112#

Important: The position of the four upper lock nuts were set at the factory so that the cast iron table is square with the saw blade from side to side and back to front. DO NOT change the position of these lock nuts (see Figure 112). Otherwise, you will have to per- form the time consuming procedure of bring- ing the table back to square with the blade.


Figure 112.BV^ciVWaZbdjci^c\[VhiZcZgh#

5. L^i] i]Z ]Zae d[ Vcdi]Zg eZghdc [dg a^[i^c\! gZbdkZi]ZiVWaZ[gdbi]ZXVW^cZiVcYeaVXZ ^i^cVhV[ZadXVi^dc#

6. GZbdkZi]Z[djgheVXZgh[gdbi]Zided[i]Z XVW^cZi#


I]Zi^aiVcYZaZkVi^dcigjcc^dchhZZFigure 113 VgZXjgkZYXVhi^gdchjg[VXZhi]ViVaadli]Z]ZVkn bdidgh! VgWdg VhhZbWa^Zh! VcY WaVYZh id i^ai VcY X]Vc\ZZaZkVi^dc#

>i l^aa WZ cZXZhhVgn id jhZ i]Z i^ai VcY ZaZkVi^dc ]VcYl]ZZah id \V^c VXXZhh id i]Z [jaa aZc\i]h d[ i]Z igjcc^dc ha^Y^c\ hjg[VXZh# JhZ b^cZgVa he^g^ih VcYh]degV\hidXaZVcVlVni]Z\g^bZVcYYZWg^h! i]ZcVeeanVi]^cXdVid[bjai^"ejgedhZ\gZVhZid i]Z[jaaaZc\i]d[i]Zigjcc^dch#BdkZi]Zigjcc^dch i]gdj\]i]Z^g[jaagVc\Zd[bdkZbZcihZkZgVai^bZh idZkZcanY^hig^WjiZi]Z\gZVhZ#



Figure 113.AdXVi^dchd[i]Zigjcc^dch#


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Image 64
Grizzly G0699 owner manual Lubrication, Removing Main Table, Trunnions, To remove the table, IaiIgjccdch AZkVidcIgjccdc