When properly positioned, the rail stop ring prevents the rip fence from contacting the saw blade. If this happens during cutting operations, flying metal debris could cause serious personal injury. Always make sure the rail stop ring is secured in the proper position before beginning operations.

47. 7VX`i]Zg^e[ZcXZVlVn[gdbi]ZhVlWaVYZ Vi aZVhi &¿-! i]Zc ha^YZ i]Z [ZcXZ gV^a hide g^c\ dcid i]Z gV^a VcY hZXjgZ ^i V\V^chi i]Z [ZcXZWdYnWni^\]iZc^c\i]ZegZ"^chiVaaZYhZi hXgZl!Vhh]dlc^cFigure 41#




Figure 41.>chiVaa^c\i]Zg^e[ZcXZhideg^c\#

48. 6iiVX] i]Z [aVi ZcY XVe id i]Z di]Zg ZcY d[ i]ZgV^al^i]i]ZB-"&#'*m&+XVehXgZlVcY -bbadX`lVh]Zg!Vhh]dlc^cFigure 42#

Note: The purpose of the end cap is to pre- vent the rip fence assembly from slipping off the end of the rail.


Figure 42.G^e[ZcXZgV^aZcYXVeViiVX]ZY#


 I]Z hXdg^c\ WaVYZ ]Vh lZY\Z"h]VeZY iZZi] hd i]Vi i]Z ]^\]Zg i]Z WaVYZ ^h gV^hZY! i]Z l^YZgi]ZhXdg^c\`Zg[l^aaWZ#

I]Z\dVa^ci]ZcZmihiZe^hidVY_jhii]ZhXdg" ^c\WaVYZkZgi^XVaVcY]dg^odciVaedh^i^dchhd i]Vii]ZhXdg^c\`Zg[^hi]ZhVbZl^Yi]Vhi]Z bV^chVlWaVYZ`Zg[#I]^hegdXZYjgZgZfj^gZh eaVX^c\i]ZhigV^\]iZY\ZdcWdi]h^YZhd[i]Z WaVYZh bjai^eaZ i^bZh Vh ndj bV`Z VY_jhi" bZcih#

49. L]Zc edh^i^dc^c\ i]Z higV^\]iZY\Z! eaVXZ ^i V\V^chi iZZi] Vi Wdi] ZcYh d[ i]Z bV^c hVl WaVYZ id dWiV^c Vc VXXjgViZ gZVY^c\ d[ i]Z bV^chVlWaVYZ`Zg[#

Horizontal Adjustment:>chZgii]ZI"]VcYaZ lgZcX] ^cid i]Z g^\]i ]daZ h]dlc ^c Figure 43! Zc\V\Z ^i l^i] i]Z VY_jhibZci WdaijcYZgi]ZiVWaZ!i]ZcgdiViZi]ZlgZcX] idedh^i^dci]ZhXdg^c\WaVYZ#









Figure 43.6Y_jhi^c\i]Z]dg^odciVaedh^i^dcd[



Page 33
Image 33
Grizzly G0699 owner manual HideGc\ ¿-6lVn Gdb7aVYZ, CY8Ve, HigV\iZY\Z