Safety Instructions for Machinery
DISCONNECTING POWER SUPPLY. Always disconnect machine from power supply before servicing, adjusting, or changing cutting tools (bits,blades,cutters,etc.).Makesureswitchis inOFFpositionbeforereconnectingtoavoidan unexpectedorunintentionalstart.
INTENDED USE.Onlyusethemachineforits intendedpurposeandonlyuserecommended accessories.Neverstandonmachine,modify it for an alternative use, or outfit it with non- approvedaccessories.
STABLE MACHINE. Unexpected movement during operations greatly increases the risk of injuryandlossofcontrol.Verifymachinesare stable/secure and mobile bases (if used) are lockedbeforestarting.
FORCING MACHINERY.Donotforcemachine.
GUARDS & COVERS.Guardsandcoverscan protect you from accidental contact with mov- ing parts or flying debris. Make sure they are properly installed, undamaged, and working correctlybeforeusingmachine.
REMOVING TOOLS. Never leave adjustment tools, chuck keys, wrenches, etc. in or on
AWKWARD POSITIONS. Keep proper foot- ing and balance at all times when operating machine. Do not overreach! Avoid awkward handpositionsthatmakeworkpiececontroldif- ficultorincreasetheriskofaccidentalinjury.
DANGEROUS ENVIRONMENTS. Do not use machinery in wet locations, cluttered areas,
APPROVED OPERATION. Untrained operators can be seriously hurt by machinery. Only allow trained or properly supervised people to use machine. When machine is not being used, dis- connect power, remove switch keys, or
CHILDREN & BYSTANDERS. Keep children andbystandersasafedistanceawayfromwork area.Stopusingmachineifchildrenorbystand- ersbecomeadistraction.
FEED DIRECTION.Unlessotherwisenoted,feed work against the rotation of blades or cutters. Feedinginthesamedirectionofrotationmaypull yourhandintothecut.
SECURING WORKPIECE. When required, use clamps or vises to secure workpiece. A secured workpieceprotectshandsandfreesbothofthem tooperatethemachine.
machinerunningwhileunattended.Turnmachine offandensureallmovingpartscompletelystop beforewalkingaway.
MAINTENANCE & INSPECTION.Amachinethat is not properly maintained may operate unpre- dictably. Followall maintenanceinstructions and lubrication schedules to keep machine in good workingcondition.Regularlyinspectmachinefor loosebolts,alignmentofcriticalparts,binding,or any other conditions that may affect safe opera- tion. Always repair or replace damaged or mis- adjustedpartsbeforeoperatingmachine.
EXPERIENCING DIFFICULTIES. If at any time you are experiencing difficulties performing the intended operation, stop using the machine! Contact our Technical Support Department at
Model G0710 Dust Collector (Mfg. since 6/10+) |