Voltage Conversion

IdXdckZgii]^hb^aa[dg''%KedlZg!ndjbjhigZ" l^gZi]ZbdidgVcY^chiVaaVC:B6+"&*eaj\VcY gZXZeiVXaZ#

GZ[ZgidPage 40[dgi]Z[jaa Wiring Diagram#

You MUST disconnect the mill from the power source before beginning any of the following 220V conver- sion procedures to avoid serious personal injury or death by electrocution.

Tools/Items NeededQty

E]^aa^eh=ZVYHXgZlYg^kZg'############################ & L^gZCji############################################################ &

To rewire the motor:

1. GZbdkZ i]Z XdkZg d[ i]Z bdidg l^g^c\ _jcX" i^dcWdm#

2. GZ"Xdc[^\jgZ i]Z bdidg l^g^c\ Wn gZbdk^c\ l^gZh &! (! )! '! *! VcY + [gdb i]Z iZgb^cVa WadX`hZZFigure 4#

3.GZeaVXZ l^gZh )! &! VcY + dc i]Z iZgb^cVa WadX`!Vhh]dlc^cFigure 5#

4.JhZi]Zl^gZcjiidhZXjgZl^gZh'!(!VcY* id\Zi]Zg!Vhh]dlc^cFigure 5#

5. GZeaVXZ i]Z XdkZg d[ i]Z bdidg l^g^c\ _jcX" i^dcWdm#

Replacing the Plug

GZeaVXZ i]Z bdaYZY C:B6 *"&* eaj\ l^i] V C:B6 +"&* Wn gZbdk^c\ i]Z dg^\^cVa VcY ^chiVaa" ^c\i]ZcZleaj\VXXdgY^c\idi]ZbVcj[VXijgZgh ^chigjXi^dch#

BdidgegZl^gZY [dg&&%K








Figure 4.BdidgXdc[^\jgZY[dg&&%KdeZgVi^dc#





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Figure 5.BdidgXdc[^\jgZY[dg''%KdeZgVi^dc#

Covers, guards, and safety devices on this machine are provided for your safety. Always keep them secured in place before connecting the machine to power to avoid serious personal injury.



Page 13
Image 13
Grizzly G0728 owner manual Voltage Conversion, Replacing the Plug, To rewire the motor