Tramming Spindle
IgVbb^c\ i]Z he^cYaZ ZchjgZh i]Vi i]Z he^cYaZ |
VcYiVWaZVgZeZgeZcY^XjaVgVadc\i]ZM"Vm^hhZZ |
Figure 29# I]^h deZgVi^dc h]djaY WZ eZg[dgbZY |
l]ZcgZijgc^c\i]Zhe^cYaZidi]ZkZgi^XVaedh^i^dc |
V[iZgdeZgVi^dch^cl]^X]i]Z]ZVYlVhi^aiZY# |
He^cYaZ |
O"6m^h |
4.8ZciZg i]Z eVgVaaZa WadX` jcYZg i]Z he^cYaZ VcYi^\]iZci]ZiVWaZ!`cZZ!VcYfj^aaadX`hid Za^b^cViZjclVciZYbdkZbZci#
5.L^i]i]ZiZhi^cY^XVidgViiVX]ZYidi]Z^cY^XV" idg]daYZg!bdjcii]Z]daYZg^ci]Zhe^cYaZ#
Note: The goal is to adjust the head so that the differences between the measurements are zero within the capabilities of the test indicator. However, specific tolerances will be determined by each operation.
6.BZVhjgZ he^cYaZ Va^\cbZci Vadc\ i]Z M"Vm^h Vi dcZ ZcY d[ i]Z eVgVaaZa WadX` hZZ
Figure 30#
M"6m^h |
Figure 29.He^cYaZeZgeZcY^XjaVgidi]ZiVWaZ^c |
i]ZM"Vm^h# |
Tools Needed | Qty |
LgZcX]&,bb#################################################### & | |
9^VaIZhi>cY^XVidg############################################## & | |
>cY^XVidg=daYZg################################################# & | |
EgZX^h^dcEVgVaaZa7adX`##################################### & |
To tram the spindle:
2. AddhZc i]Z ) ]ZVY i^ai ]Zm cjih VcY adX` lVh]Zgh#
Note: When tramming the spindle it is best to tighten the nuts snug enough that the head needs light taps with a rubber mallet to move. This prevents the head from moving freely and losing adjustments between measurements.
3.:chjgZi]ZiVWaZ^h[gZZ[gdbX]^ehVcYc^X`h i]VibVnX]Vc\Zi]ZZaZkVi^dcd[i]ZeVgVaaZa WadX`#
Figure 30.9^VaiZhi^cY^XVidgbdjciZY#
7.GdiViZi]Zhe^cYaZWn]VcYhdi]Vii]Z^cY^XV" idggZhihdci]Zdi]ZgZcYd[i]ZeVgVaaZaWadX` Vadc\i]ZM"Vm^h#
>[ i]Z ^cY^XVidg Y^Va gZVYh oZgd dg ^h l^i]" ^c i]Z VXXZeiVWaZ idaZgVcXZh! Xdci^cjZ id
Step 8#
>[ i]Z ^cY^XVidg ]Vh bdkZY [gdb oZgd dji" h^YZ VXXZeiVWaZ idaZgVcXZh! VY_jhi i]Z i^ai d[i]Z]ZVYVcYgZeZViSteps 6 and 7#
8.GZi^\]iZc i]Z [djg ]Zm cjih VcY adX` lVh]Zgh#
Always lock the head in place after adjusting tilt. Unexpected movement of the head during operations could cause the cutter to bind with the workpiece, resulting in personal injury, and possible damage to the cutter and workpiece.