4. GdiViZi]ZheZZYY^Vaidi]Zb^c^bjbheZZY Vaai]ZlVnidi]ZaZ[i!VcYjhZi]ZY^gZXi^dc aZkZgidhZaZXii]ZY^gZXi^dcd[iVWaZigVkZa#
5. ;a^ei]ZDC$D;;hl^iX]jeidijgci]ZedlZg [ZZYON#
6. 6Y_jhii]ZheZZYY^VaidbdkZi]ZiVWaZVii]Z XdggZXiheZZY[dgndjgdeZgVi^dc#
Note: Power feed rates are difficult to pre- cisely adjust. We recommend that you exper- iment with different dial settings to find the feed rate that best works for your operation.
7. L]ZcndjVgZi]gdj\]jh^c\i]ZedlZg[ZZY!
aZVkZ i]Z Y^gZXi^dc aZkZg ^c i]Z XZciZg dg
Always keep the table locked in place unless controlled movement is required for your operation. Unexpected table move- ment during operations could cause the cutter to bind with the workpiece, resulting in personal injury, and possible damage to the cutter and workpiece.
Head Tilting
I]Z ]ZVY i^aih .% id i]Z aZ[i dg g^\]i hZZ Figure 25.
Figure 25.=ZVYi^aiZY)*idi]ZaZ[i#
Tools NeededQty
LgZcX]&,bb#################################################### &
To tilt the head left or right:
2. AddhZc i]Z [djg ]Zm cjih VcY adX` lVh]Zgh dcWdi]h^YZhd[i]ZijggZihZZFigure 26#
=ZmCjihVcY AdX`LVh]Zgh 'd[)
=ZVYI^ai^c\ HXVaZ