Moving & Placing

Base Unit

The vertical mill is a heavy machine. Serious personal injury may occur if safe moving methods are not used. To be safe, get assis- tance and use power equipment rated for at least 1500 lbs. to move the shipping crate and remove the machine from the crate.

To move and place this mill:

1. 6[iZg gZbdk^c\ i]Z XgViZ [gdb i]Z h]^ee^c\ eVaaZi!lgVea^[i^c\higVehVgdjcYi]ZijggZi!Vh h]dlc^cFigure 8!VcYhZXjgZanViiVX]i]Zb idndjgedlZga^[i^c\Zfj^ebZci#



Figure 8.Edh^i^dc^c\i]Za^[i^c\higVeh#


2. JhZV&¿'lgZcX]idjcWdaii]Zb^aa[gdbi]Z eVaaZi#

3. L^i]Vhh^hiVcXZidhiZVYni]ZbVX]^cZ!bdkZ ^i Vh XadhZ id i]Z egZeVgZY adXVi^dc Vh edh" h^WaZ#

4. A^[i^i_jhiZcdj\]idXaZVgi]ZeVaaZiVcYVcn [addgdWhiVXaZh!i]Zch^ijViZ^i^c^ih[^cVaedh^" i^dc#

5. L]Zcbdjci^c\i]ZbVX]^cZidi]Z[addg!jhZ V egZX^h^dc aZkZa id bV`Z hjgZ i]Z iVWaZ ^h aZkZa[gdbh^YZidh^YZVcY[gdciidWVX`#

Note: If necessary, use shims to make sure there are no gaps between the base and the floor to avoid cracking or warping the cast iron.


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Image 17
Grizzly G0728 owner manual Moving & Placing Base Unit, Aic\HigVeh IjggZi